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The six were now in their 30's, of course they were not the same but they were trying. There was an empty void in all of their hearts where Jungkook should have been. But sometimes you don't always get what you want. Everyone had gotten their dream jobs, and had someone to love except Taehyung.

Namjoon and Jin bought a nice house to live in together.

Yoongi, Hoseok, and Jimin also bought a home.

Taehyung, now he was a different story. He never found love every again, not because no one wanted him more like he never wanted anyone else except Jungkook. So instead he adopted a little boy.

"Pops I gotta go to school!" The kid yelled

"Yeah, I'm coming Kookie." Taehyung yelled back.

Yes, Taehyung named his kid after Jungkook. Taehyung put down the picture of all seven of them down and walked down to drop his kid off to school.


Soon everyone Taehyung loved starting dying off





And then jimin

His kid moved out, living a good life with his wife while Taehyung was suffering all alone with no one to hold. He lived with pain in his heart, that was until september 1st, the day Jungkook died, when decided that he had enough pain. He was now 65 years old and standing in front of him bathroom mirror, in one hand a picture of him standing next to the people he considered as his family, Jin, Namjoon, Yoongi, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jungkook. In the other hand he held a container full of pills. As he looked at the picture, the memories came flooding in. Tears blurred his vision as he looked at the picture and kissed it for the last time and then shove seven pills in his mouth and forced them down.

His vision got blurry, he closed his eyes and black was soon the only color he saw, he felt himself falling but he didn't care, he wanted it after all. He waited for the hard impact but it never came. He opened his eyes and was flashed with all white. He looked around but there was nothing to see but white, his body felt light so he lifted his hand and saw no wrinkles, just his clear sun kissed skin he had at age 20. That's when he knew he was in the body of his younger self.

To say he was confused was an understatement and that's when he heard it.

"Tae." Taehyung heard the sweet voice of someone he would never forget, he turned around and saw the source of the voice.

"Jungkook!" Taehyung screamed as he ran to boy and pulled him into a bone crushing hug. He couldn't believe it, the boy he love that died was now standing in front of him, in his arms. Tears ran down his cheeks.

They pulled away and Jungkook pointed to the back of Taehyung, when the older turned he felt his tears flow even harder. It was all his hyungs in front of him, all of them in their 20's, young and healthy. "Let's go Tae."

And with that they were off, living as the undead. It was their happy ever after.l

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