Chapter 19

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Hello! Guys I'm so sorry I haven't updated! I have summer school :( SO I'M BASICALLY A FRESHMEN! YAAAASSS! I MIGHT GET ED SHEERAN TICKETS OMG!!!!! Anyways so Happy Late Fathers Day! 

So I loved everyones comments! Thank you guys so much! It means the world when you guys comment! So I want to dedicate this chapter to @Nikki1456 thei comment read: I really want a taco

Yeah....same...I'M FREAKING STARVING!!!!!


"Niall, Do you have everything packed?" Zayn asked the Irish boy knowing that if he didn't double check or at least remind him, Niall would forget a few things. "Yes" Niall rolled his eyes and sneakily doubled check to make sure he did. "I'm so excited to see Ryan and Ava!" Niall squealed as he jumped up and down.

Zayn chuckled, He wasn't gonna lie, He wanted to see his kids as well, It's been about 2 weeks since he last saw them, He's pretty sure Louis will refuse to give him back his children, Knowing Louis he's probably attached to Ryan and Ava. "Are you ready?" Zayn asked as he doubled checked that he wasn't leaving anything behind. Niall nodded as he got his luggage and wheeled it out.

As they boarded the elevator Niall suddenly gasped, scaring the shit out of Zayn "Do you think Ryan and Ava will remember me?!"  Zayn rolled his eyes and smacked Niall in the back of the head "You scared the shit out of me!"  Niall rubbed the back of his head with a pout "No but seriously! We haven't seen them in weeks! what if they think Louis and Harry are their parents?!" Zayn rolled his eyes "They obviously will remember their Mommy" Zayn snickered as it was know his turn to be smacked at the back of the head.

Niall glared at him "I may have given birth to them but I.AM.NOT.A.MOM.!" Niall said through gritted teeth, sure Zayn might be the man of the relationship but he's not a GIRL! He doesn't even have boobs!....oh wait...never mind...

BUT HE'S NOT A GIRL AND NEVER WILL BE! "Are you ok there?" Zayn asked as he witnessed Niall silently arguing with himself "I AM NOT A GIRL!" Zayn laughed loudly "I was just teasing you love!" He bent down to give Niall a peck on the lips. 

"Alright lets hurry up before our plane leaves!" Zayn pulled away and ran towards a taxi, before they knew it they were on a plane and soon leaving America and on their way to The UK.

"Zayn, I'm not feeling to good" Niall announced as they were seated on the plane, Zayn turned to look at his husband "Why? what's wrong?" Niall squeezed his eyes shut "I have this sick feeling in my stomach almost as if I need to throw up" Zayn's eyes widen as the words slowly processed through his mind, NIALL WAS GOING TO THROW UP! 

Zayn quickly jumped up and quickly escorted Niall into the small plane bathroom. As Niall threw up Zayn gently rubbed his back "Did you eat something that could have upsetted your stomach?" Niall thought for a moment "Maybe it was the Chinese we ate earlier?" Niall nodded as he stood up and flushed the toilet and washed his hands and they soon exit the bathroom. 

On their way to their seats Zayn stopped one of the Attendants "Excuse me can we get a cup of water?" The lady blushed and quickly nodded. Niall growled and Zayn's eyes widen "What's wrong?" He asked as they took a seat.

"She was totally blushing at you" Zayn let out a laugh and Niall frowned "Here you go sir" The lady smiled as she blushed and looked down, Niall reached across Zay's lap and took the cup of water "Thank.You" He said through gritted teeth as in telling her to 'Get the fuck away'  The Lady frowned and walked away.

"Jealous?"  Zayn whispered in his ear and Niall blushed as he pushed Zayn away "Shut up" He muttered and Zayn laughed loudly.


"FLIGHT TO LONDON,ENGLAND WILL BE LANDING IN 5 MINUTES" Zayn was awoken by the loud speakers, He peeked out the window and noticed it was night time "Niall" Zayn gently woke Niall up. "Niall babe we are landing soon" Niall let out a groan but got up anyways , he buckled his seat belt as the instructions said so.

"We have now landed, Welcome to London,England have a nice trip!" Zayn and Niall both gathered their bags and drove home. As soon as they walked in home Niall ran up the stairs into Ryan and Ava's room and picked them up and hugged them and kissed them "I missed you so much my babies!" There was a knock at the door Niall looked up and who was at the door surprised him 





Sacrifices For Your Family *Sequel to All because of one night* boyxboyWhere stories live. Discover now