Chapter 16

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This chapter is dedicated to @cindygome because she was the only one to comment, So thank you!

Also quick question! Should I delete this story? no on really seems to read it anymore, plus I'm running out of ideas for this book because no one comments and tells me what should happen next or ideas, or in general there isn't much reads or votes or comments


"Oh, Never mind I found them"  Niall responded back as he pulled out his swimming shorts, Niall went into the bathroom and changed into his swimming shorts, The whole time that he was changing he could hear Zayn getting messages and Zayn replying to them.

Who could Zayn be texting? and why did they keep on texting him? "Zayn?"  Niall asked as he exited out the bathroom "Hmm?" Zayn simply replied as he didn't even spare a look up from his phone "Are you ready?" Niall asked

"For what?" Zayn asked clueless as he texted back to whoever he was texting "To the beach? You were the one who wanted to go so badly" Niall said still really confused on why Zayn was acting like this "Oh...right" Zayn said slowly as he went for a bag and put towels and sunblock in it and other material that would be needed for the beach.

Niall exited the hotel room with Zayn slowly trailing behind looking at his phone, "Zayn hurry up will ya?!" Niall sighed tired of Zayn not paying attention and only paying attention to his stupid phone and who ever he was texting!

Niall rolled his eyes and just left outside to get the car, It was no use to wait on Zayn might as well go ahead and do what he needs to do. 

"Mr.Malik-Horan, You're car will arrive shortly" The worker man said and soon the car came, slowly rolling up to where Niall was standing, The man got out and handed Niall the keys "Here ya go Mr.Malik-Horan" Niall took the keys and smiled "Thank you"

He got into the car and drove off to the entrance to see if Zayn had followed his instructions and waited for Niall out front.

And Surely there was Zayn, waiting out in front for him, Except he was sitting on the little wall out in front of the lobby and he was smiling at a text he was reading. Niall honked the car "Zayn!" Zayn looked up from his phone from the sound of Niall's Irish accent yelling his name.

But as soon as he looked up he looked back down at his phone and walked towards the car not even taking a time to look back up.

The whole car ride was silent except for the sound of Zayn texting and the radio, All Niall wanted to know was who was Zayn texting and why won't he stop!

Niall finally stopped at the beach and parked the car, He simply got out the car without saying a word to Zayn. He grabbed the bag from the back and left to find a spot on the beach sand. He turned once more and saw Zayn still sitting in the passengers seat smiling at his phone.

"Fucking prick" Niall muttered as he turned back and continued walking, He finally found a nice spot on the sand and layed his towel and set his stuff to the side, as he turned to his right he noticed there was an extremely handsome guy, He was shirtless and mmm those abs.....

Niall looked up and saw Zayn was finally coming out the car but still had his eyes glued to the screen, Niall suddenly had a plan

"Excuse me?" Niall asked gaining the sexy man next to hims attention , "Yeah?" He asked and Niall smirked as he pulled out the sun screen "Mind putting this on my back?" Niall asked shaking the bottle and the man smiled "Yeah, Sure" Niall smiled "Great" 

Niall layed straight on his tummy, He heard the cap of the sunscreen being open,he looked up to see how close Zayn was; Perfect he was almost there.

The man started massaging Niall's shoulders and back as he rubbed the sunscreen on his back, Zayn finally took that time to look up and the sight that was in front of his eyes surprised him,it angered him

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" Zayn spat out with so much anger "Oh nice of you to come Zayn" Niall smiled up at Zayn "Oh" Niall moaned as the man rubbed his back "Dude, back the fuck off!" Zayn spat at the man "Chill out dude!" The guy said back.

"Why the fuck are you rubbing all up on my husband?!" Zayn demanded to know, At the same time he was trying to restrain himself from punching the man. "Your married?" The man asked Niall in somewhat disappointed voice and Niall shrugged "Ehh some what" Zayn's eyes widen "What the fuck is that suppose to mean!?"  Zayn spat out with so much anger.

"I don't know it seems like you're married to who ever you keep on texting that I don't seem to exists anymore" Niall simply said "Keep rubbing...ehh what's your name?" Niall asked as he realized he didn't know the man's name "Sam" He replied with a smile and Niall returned it "Oi! Stop it!" Zayn demanded

"Keep rubbing Sam!" Niall said and Sam grabbed some more and before he could but some more Zayn had smacked it out of his hands "You will not touch my husband!" 

Sam out his hands up in surrender and backed away back to his spot on the sand "Why do you have to be such a buzz kill?" Niall scoffed and Zayn's eyes widen "You're so going to get it when we get back to the hotel room!" Zayn spat out with anger.



Alright comment? vote? best comment gets the next chapter dedicated to them, That is if anyone actually comments :/ Yeah also please vote and I'm still gonna think about if I should keep this's mostly a yes but who knows

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