[tw] my everything ; junhoe

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Junhoe's POV

She has been my best friend ever since 6th grade. I like her, but I'm scared

What if she doesn't love me back? What if she rejects me? What if that will be the reason for us to be awkward to each other?

I opened the door of their house, and was shocked by a dead man laying on the floor

I looked around and saw chaeyoung's hand full of blood, and her face full of tears

"Chaeyoung," I called out. She looked at me and stand up and backed away a little

"Don't get close to me, junhoe. I'm a killer" She said, but I didn't care

I walked closer to her, and she bump on the wall. I cupped her chubby cheeks, that were full of tears

"Chaeyoung..." I called her out and she looked away

"I'm a monster, junhoe. I killed that man" She said and I wiped her tears

"What happened chaey?" I asked calmly, to not scare her

"He-- He tried to rape me, junhoe. I was so scared! That I didn't noticed I stabbed him with a knife" Her tears continously fall down her cute, chubby cheeks

"You're not a monster for doing that, chaey. If you didn't kill him, then you were the one who got" I said and looked into her deep eyes

"You're an angel, chaey. You're a sweetheart" I said and I heard a police siren

I quickly hold her hand and pushed her into the bathroom lightly

I pecked her forehead and almost walked outside when she held my hand

"No, junhoe. I was the one who killed him, not you" She said and I wiped her tears

"Someday chaey... you'll understand what I'm doing" I said but her grip got stronger and my chest clenched

"No, junhoe. You're not at fault. I was" She said and I pulled her into a hug and quickly pulled away

"Why are you doing this?" A tear escaped her eye

"Because I love you, chaey, and your my everything, that's why I'm doing this chaey, because I love you" I said

"This is the police! We have you surrounded! Now get out before we send our reinforces in!"

I quickly kissed her forehead and locked the door. I walked outside, with my hands raised up high, and one of the officer came and cuffed my hands

They harshly pushed me inside the police car and drove

I hope that you'll find happiness one day, chaey. I love you, my everything

Even though that this is the exchange of it, i am happy with it, at least i could do something for you... my everything


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