i hate you, i love you ; yoongi

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Chaeyoung's POV

He was always like this, always breaking my heart

Making me cry, making me feel sad, breaking me like a glass

But he had the right too anyways. He's not mine, and he'll never be

He belongs to her, he loves her, and he doesn't even look at me, will never look at me

"Chaeyoung" I was cut off my trance by Lisa's voice

"What is it?" I asked her and she pointed her index finger a little, and it pointed at them

Jennie and Yoongi happily laughing, smiling and talking to each other

"Are you okay?" She asked me in a worried tone "After telling to look at something that will hurt my feelings. I am" I sarcastically said

"Oh come on' chaey, I'm helping you out here" She rolled her eyes

"You're not helping at all" I said and she stands up. I held her hand before she could leave

"I'm sorry, lisa. I'm sorry" I said and a tear escaped her eye

"Why are you being like this chaey? Why do you always shut me away? I'm your friend. I'm here to help you" Her voice broke

"I'm sorry for being like this lisa. It's just that, it fucking hurts" My voice broke as tears continously fall down my cheeks

"What's wrong?" It was yoongi oppa. I quickly wiped off my tears

"It's nothing, oppa. Me and Lisa were just practicing for a play" I lied

"Oh is that so--" He was cut off by lisa punching the armchair

"Are you an idiot oppa? Are you out of your mind?" She asked sarcastically

"I don't get it" He said and lisa pushed him. I held her hand to stop her

"Chaeyoung fucking loves you, idiot! You're the only one who doesn't see it!." She shouted selflessly and yoongi oppa seemed taken aback

"That's enough, lisa." I said to her before holding her hand

"No chaey!." She pulled her hand back harshly "He has to know!." She was fuming with anger

"Chaey is in love with you, idiot! Do you get it now?!." She shouted at him and I could take it but ran outside

I'm now at the back of the cafeteria, garbage for short

I rested my back on the wall and slowly slip down, and felt the floor

"Chaey!" It was yoongi oppa running towards me. I quickly backed away, but he held my hand, preventing me

"Chaey, was that true?" He asked me and I wiped my tears

"Who cares if it was true? It's just one sided anywa--" He cut me off by saying

"I care." He said before crashing his lips on mine fully

I hit his chest nonstop, until he pinned me to the wall, while his lips were still on mine, devouring me

His kiss were like in the movies, hungry, and so eager

He pulled away and I quickly pushed him and wiped my lips

"I hate you." I said and turned away and started walking, til he pinned me to the wall again

"Then, look into my eyes and tell me you hate me. Let's see if you can." He said whilst looking into my eyes

"I hate you" I said, my eyes not meeting his, and I could sense him smirking

"Trying to lie, huh?" He smirked and lifted my chin to face him

"You're mine, chaey, and I know I'm the only one for you. I know you love me, and only me" He smirked before claiming my lips

I wanted to push him, but his grip on both of my hands we're strong

His kiss turned into a soft, gentle and sweet kiss. I slowly closed my eyes and responded to the kiss

I could feel him smirking in the kiss, and he pulled away

"Now tell me you hate me chaeng" He smirked "I hate you" I said not looking into his eyes

"Then look into my eyes, and say you hate me" He pulled me by the waist, and my eyes met his

"Now say it" He smirked "i-- i ha-- i ha--" I quickly pulled away from his embrace

"See. You can't." He smirked before crashing his lips on mine again which I quickly responded to

His lips is making me go weak. Any contact of him makes me go weak

I hate him so much, but I... super love him. I hate the way I'm obsessed to him. He's like a drug I'm addicted to, but a drug that can't ruin me

A drug that will keep me alive. A drug that I'm addicted to, and that is him, min yoongi

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