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Kyoya hated when Tsubasa and him got into fights. It made him feel guilty, which wasn't normal. He was currently in his office at the T.C company, he was sure Tsubasa was at the WBBA as well. He growled under his breath as he hurriedly worked on the papers in front of him.


"Kyoya, stop being so cocky!" Tsubasa growled as Kyoya rubbed his temples in annoyance "Tsubasa, you know that I have no interest in any of the girls.." Kyoya sighed as his boyfriend huffed "Then why were you flirting with that blonde shit!" The white haired blader shot back "Tsu, I was not flirting with her. I was simply asking her for the paperwork which I had to fill tomorrow" Kyoya explained "OH yeah!? Then how much time does it take to ask!? An hour!?" Tsubasa yelled "Tsubasa! For the last time! She is one of my friends, her name is Patricia! We were just having a friendly chat!" Kyoya growled, slowly loosing his temper "Then why was she blushing and why were you smirking!?" Tsubasa screamed and tears simmered past his beautiful yellow eyes "Ts-" "NO! YOU'LL JUST KEEP ON MAKING MORE EXCUSES! GET OUT!!" Tsubasa yelled and now tears were streaming down his tanned Face, Kyoya reached out but Tsubasa slapped his hand away "I SAID GET OUT!!"


Last night Kyoya ended up sleeping on the couch. He hated the pained look on Tsubasa's face, he hated how Tsubasa slapped his hand away, he hated how Tsubasa yelled at him to get out. His hand shaked a bit and his knuckles turned white because he was holding the pen so tight. He growled again 'Incoming call from Kakeru' The beeper went off

Kyoya pressed the off button and the speaker came up "Bro? Your meetings staring in two minutes, you ready?" His brothers voice echoed through his huge office "Yeah sure Kakeru, send them up as soon as they come in the building. And cancel my schedule for tomorrow, I'm not feeling well" Kyoya rubbed his forehead "Sure thing! Bub-bye!" Kakeru's bubbly voice didn't help his situation one bit. 'Ugh, I want my eagle' Kyoya thought miserably

A few hours later~

Kyoya's dumb meeting was over and he was now on the phone with Gingka. He was discussing about the party next week and Kyoya was trying to tell him politely to 'Fuck Off' and that he had better things to do than listen to him ramble about some dumb party. Then the doorknob rattled and his attention was immediately shifted there, "Kyoya? KYOYA!!" Gingka's annoying voice kept yelling into his ear, The door opened slowly revealing a certain silver haired blader who was fiddling with his fingers "I'll.. Call you later" Kyoya said as he put the phone down, he crossed his arms around his chest and rested one leg on top of another and raised his eyebrow "May I help you?" Kyoya asked, playing it cool. Tsubasa was looking everywhere except for Kyoya's eyes "Yes, you may" Tsubasa mummered as he sat in front of Kyoya on the desk "How exactly?" "By shutting up" Kyoya cocked an eyebrow at him "Stop doing that or I swear your eyebrow will fall out" Tsubasa teased but Kyoya wasn't interested in small talk "Tsubasa, I don't have all day, now do me the favor of telling me why you are here" Kyoya snapped as Tsubasa flinched and Kyoya's eyes softened at the look on Tsubasa's face, he seriously needed to learn how to toughen up with his sliver haired boyfriend. He lost the intimidating look (Which really wasn't really affective on Tsubasa since he was used to it) and got up and walked over to the other side of the desk and pulled Eagles trainer into a hug. Tsubasa buried his head in Kyoya's chest and wrapped his hands around Kyoya's waist. Kyoya felt something wet on his suit and he pulled back only to see Tsubasa's face flushed and his eyes puffy "I'm sorry.." Tsubasa chocked out in between sobs, Kyoya held him tighter and kissed his forehead "Its alright baby, you didn't mean it" The greenette assured but Tsubasa shook his head "No, I'm really sorry, I was just overreacting" The silver haired blader stated honestly and Leone's blader gave him one of his rare smiles "I know" "Whaddya mean 'you know'!?" "I just do, admit it, you were jealous" Kyoya smirked as Tsubasa blushed and huffed "I was not!" Kyoya chuckled "Please, you totally were" Tsubasa's blush deepened. Kyoya loved it when Tsubasa was so flustered, it suited him so well. "Just shut up and kiss me bastard" Tsubasa grumbled, Kyoya did as instructed and pressed his lips against Tsubasa's plump, juicy ones. Tsubasa grabbed Kyoya's hair and pulled him in closer and Kyoya took to the time to grip his hips. Tsubasa wrapped his legs around Kyoya's waistline (Yup, he's still sitting on the desk). Some documents fell off the desk but neither of them seemed to care. Then the beeper sounded again 'Incoming call from Kakeru' The beeper stated as Kyoya groaned and pulled away for both of their dispair and pressed the red button for the second time this day "Kyo, I forgot to tell ya! Tsubasa came by asking for meeting you.." He trailed off when he heard Tsubasa "Too late for that Kakeru" Tsubasa laughed "You know, this is why I don't take days off. To make sure you don't slack off!" Kyoya lectured "Yeah yeah, your just grumpy because I interrupted something, so there!" "IDIOT!" Kyoya yelled but it was too late since the beeper buzzed. Tsubasa laughed "I love your brother" Tsubasa stated as Kyoya grumbled "Sure, because you two are too similar" Tsubasa laughed again and pulled Kyoya into another kiss... Well that escalated quickly...

Now you can hear loud moans, gasps and groans from inside Kyoya's office. And whoever passed by ran, blushing furiously, and that was probably the fastest any of them had ever ran...

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