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"Please papa! Just one more!" A three year old Kiara begged as she looked at her father with the puppy dog eyes.

Tsubasa sighed but smiled anyway.

"Alright, just one more OK?"

The smaller greenette nodding excitedly as Tsubasa thought for a second.

"Can I tell you a story of how me and Kyoya came together?" Tsubasa asked as Kiara 'blegh'ed.

"Mm, fine, but don't make it too sappy." Kiara stated bluntly making Tsubasa snicker.

"Alright honey."


It was a nice and quiet day.

Nothing was out of the ordinary.

Even Yuu was calm.

That was... Until Kyoya asked Tsubasa out infront of everyone.

Now Tsubasa was stuck with the girls and Yuu who were dressing him up with him protesting loudly.

"No can do Tsu-chan! Yo-yo asked you out on a date! Yoyo never asks anyone that!" Yuu proclaimed as he brushed Tsubasa's hair.

"But..!" "No buts." Madoka interrupted sternly as she looked through the cupboards for something nice to wear.

"I never thought that Kyoya'd be gay." Hikaru admitted as she put a little bit of blush on Tsubasa's face.

"He's bi Hikaru." Tsubasa explained and let out a yelp when Yuu tugged on his hair too hard.

Madoka pulled out a nice darkish yellow shirt which looked like a pikachu with a pair of booty shorts.

"These will do good, don't you think?" Hikaru and Yuu nodding as Tsubasa sighed, knowing that there was no way out of this, and he blamed a soon-to-be dead Kyoya.

"I'm not getting married." Tsubasa growled.

"We know Tsu-chan." Yuu mused as he admired his work from afar.

"Then why?" Tsubasa asked, miserably "Do you like torchering me?!"

Yuu chuckled.


Tsubasa rolled his eyes, trying to maintain as much pride as he could with a blush on his face.

A genuine one.

It wasn't that he wasnt waiting for his date or that he wasnt excited, he was just... Well..


"Don't get cold feet Tsu." Hikaru read out his thoughts with a smirk as Tsubasa's face reddened.



'Alright Tsubasa, it's just a date, nothing serious.' Tsubasa thought as he nervously fiddled with his fingers while sitting on the couch.

Then the doorbell rang making him stand up and hurriedly run towards the door.

Then he saw a mouth watering sight.

Kyoya in a suit.

Oh dear God save this child from cumming in his shorts.

He swear he saw a soft blush on Kyoya's face before returning with a soft smile.

Kyoya And Tsubasa Oneshots (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now