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Ok! Important note, this is a Kiara x Lilly oneshot so if you don't like this ship, check out Kiara x Rachel instead.

Lilly's pov~

Life doesn't always go the way you want it to go.

Rachel and Kiara broke up over a month ago but their still friends. They decided that it was for the best.

If I'm being completely honest, I'm kinda relieved the two called it off. They didn't have a good relationship anyway. Kiara said that she was just experimenting but I could see she didn't like how the break up went.

I sighed as I rested my chin in my hand while watching the said greenette playing a racing game with the computer system.

I would be lieing if I said that I didn't have a crush on Kiara. And when the redhead and greenette announced they were dating, it fucking broke my heart.

But me being me just smiled and congradulated them. If Kiara was happy, I was happy.

I knew I had no chance with her anyway. Why would she want me over Rachel? The redhead was pretty, bittersweet, naiive, sarcastic. Somethings I would never be.

Kiara looked over at me with concern before she went back to the game.

This was how life was and supposed to be. Kiara will find someone she'd be happy with, and I'd find someone which would keep my mind off her.

I'm pretty sure Kiara isn't a virgin either. I mean, with the amount of girls she'd played with was indescribable.

Althought she didn't have any actual feelings for them which was alright, but I'm pretty sure she had a crush on Rachel.

I sighed before I got up, picking up my backpack in the process.

Kiara stopped the game before she looked at me with questionable eyes while I made my way to the door.

"What's going on, Lils?"

The question caught me off gaurd as I bit my lip, back facing her and my shoulder leaning against the doorframe of her huge, black colour coded room while she sat on the white couch in the side with the huge TV infront of her.

"I-I don't know what your talking about." I tried as she groaned in frustration while getting up and making her way towards me.

Her tall figure looming over me while I took a step back, my back touching the door as I craned my neck up to look at her beautiful blue hues.

She put a hand beside my head before she leaned in closer so that our noses were almost touching, her hot breath fanning my face and my cheeks growing hotter by the second.

"Don't lie to me, Lillian." Oh god why did she have to use my full name against me? I shook my head and glared at her.

"Why would I lie to you, Kiara?" I asked, still flustered as she smirked that devilish smirk if hers.

Was it just me or was it getting hotter in here?

Kiara's pov~

I pressed her up against the wall as she backed up, her face slightly pink. I put my hands on either side of her pretty pale face before I leaned in closer so our breaths were mangled.

She seemed to be blushing while glaring at me which to me, looked quiet adorable.

I don't know why but I've been having these feelings about Lilly, I didn't tell her the actual reason me and Rachel broke up.

Rachel knew I had always had a little crush on the blonde beauty and she offered to be my date until I started winning Lilly over.

Me, being the oblivious idiot that I am, didn't notice the slight blush on Lilly's face when we were in an embrace, or when she seemed to stutter when I grinned, or when she glared at me when our faces were inches apart.

"Don't lie to me, Lillian." My voice went lower with each word as her face turned redder and I thought I saw a few beads of sweat on her forehead.

"Why would I lie to you, Kiara?" She asked, still glaring while I smirked and she looked like she was about to pass out with her face looking like a tomato.

"Because you've been hiding something from me, and if I'm being honest, I have been too." I started, ok, good from now.

She froze while she looked at me with hopeful and confused light blue hues which made my heart twist into a wonderful feeling.

I smiled this time and leaned closer so that our eyes were just centimeters apart and out eyelashes tickling each other which made Lilly giggle.

Oh god, that laugh should've been illegal.

"What is the thing you've been hiding though?" She suddenly asked, noticing our position.

I sighed before I pulled back and led her to my bed which was right smack in the middle of my room and pulled her onto my lap making her yelp and blush.

"You already know I'm terrible with words, right?" She nodded as I smiled and leaned in closer "So let me show you."

Lilly's pov~

I felt a slightly chapped yet soft pair of lips against my own. I was frozen stiff for a second. What the fuck was going on?

I could tell without kissing back that Kiara was experienced, with the way her lips moved in sync with my own.

I didn't even realise that I was kissing back until I pulled away for a breath only to be met with the smug face of a certain greenette.

She smirked before resting her head in the curve of my neck while I quietly petted her soft, green locks.

"I like you, a lot. Not like a friend, not like a sister, but like a lover." She confessed as I snorted "I never noticed."

She huffed but I could feel her smiling.

"I like you too, no wait, scratch that, I love you." I stated as she kissed my neck and looked up at me and smiled again before our lips connected again.

This one was desperate and needy and fucking greedy as Kiara started putting more force into it, twisting us around so I was safely situated on the soft bedding and she was hovering over me.

I breath hitched when she licked my bottom lips, pleading for enterance which I was quick to grant when my jaw went slack.

I let her take control of the heated kiss and we pulled off each other, our lips making a loud 'SMACK' when they were forcefully pulled apart.

She panted heavily before she pecked me and rolling over so she was on her side, facing me and my most probably cherry red face.

I smiled before cuddling into her, my face in her chest while she placed a hand on my waist possessively and my hand going to rest on her well toned abdomen.

"Stay." I heard her whisper.

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