Kiara's Crush

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"Kia~ Tell me!" Tsubasa whined as he looked at his thirteen year old daughter who was slicking her bangs while putting fingerless gloves on.

"Papa, I don't have a crush, for the last time." Kiara deathpanned while taking her bey and sliding it in her pocket.

"Of course you do! Every teenager has a crush, your no different!" Tsubasa protested as Kiara rolled her eyes before straightening her clothes and putting on her sneakers which Yuu gifted her a while ago.

"I have two dad's and one gave birth to me." Kiara mused as Tsubasa sighed.

"And it was pretty painfull, now spill." Tsubasa ordered as Kiara rubbed her temples "Pops, I.Do.Not.Have.A.Crush."

She glared at the sliver haired man as he sighed again.

"You and Kyoya are the same I tell you." He muttered, annoyed and glared at his smug daughter.

"Why?" Kyoya's voice was heard as he walked into the dining room.

"Papa thinks I have a crush." Kiara explained as Kyoya raised an eyebrow "Isn't it kinda obvious?"

Tsubasa's eyes widened.

"You know?!! Tell me!!" Tsubasa begged as Kyoya cast him a skeptical look.

"Dad, I don't have a crush." Kiara scoffed before turning to Alfred for cookies.

"Of course you don't." Kyoya rolled his eyes.

"So?! Who's the lucky guy?" Tsubasa asked as Kyoya sat down next to his husband.

"I think you mean girl." Kyoya pointed out as Tsubasa 'Ohh'ed.

"Tell me Kyo!!" Tsubasa whined as Kiara rolled her eyes and Kyoya smirked deviously.

"What will I get in return?"

"My ass for the next three weeks." Tsubasa stated bluntly as Kiara gagged and looked at her father's smug face.

"Its Rachel."

Then it was silent.

"RACHEL?!!" Tsubasa screamed as Alfred shot him a look and Tsubasa looked at Kiara.


"Because, dear father, I have no interest in that brat whatsoever and Dad is just saying that for having non-stop sex with you for three weeks." Kiara stated and took a bite out of her cookie and thanked Alfred who offered her a smile.

"Your in denial." Kyoya said bluntly, reaching out for a cookie from the tray.

"Denial! Red has a terrible temper-"

"And so do you, and we need to fix that by the way." Tsubasa interrupted.

"She can't except defeat-"

"And so can't you." Kyoya said as Kiara growled.

"The point it... I like that brat." She admitted with a sigh as Tsubasa smiled and Kyoya nodded his head with a grin.

"Knew it."

Kiara rolled her eyes and took another bite before swallowing.

"I just... Don't wanna be rejected, besides, she obviously likes someone else."

"And who may that be?" Tsubasa questioned as she shrugged.

"She's straight." Kiara deathpanned, dumbly as Kyoya growled.

"She's bi."

"Oh my god will you let it go already?!" Kiara snapped, getting up, grabbing a few cookies and walking out the door.

Then another silence lingered.

"Should we..?"

"No, she'll figure it out, like us." Tsubasa said as he kissed his husband's cheek before getting up and walking out.


'Dammit, of all the people to fall for, why her?'

Kiara's thoughts flooded around her as she sat on the bench in the park, overlooking the ocean.

She sighed softly until she heard another presence beside her.

"Hello Kiara." Rachel's voice was heard.

"Hello Rachel." Kiara greeted as the redhead sat down next to her "What are you doing here?"

"Nothing, I was walking by and I spotted you sitting here mourning." Rachel answered nonchantly as Kiara looked offended.

"I was not mourning." Kiara protested and looked back at the clear water up front "I just.. am having a few problems."

".. Oh... Do you want to talk about it?" Rachel may have been Ryuga's decoy but she still had a bit of Gingka in her.

"... Will you hate me?"

Now Rachel was amused.

"Why in the world would I hate you?" She asked incredulously.

"Because... Alright I'll tell you but.. If you don't feel the same.. We still remain... Acquainted." Kiara finished as Rachel gave her a knowing look.

She took a breath before blurting out "I fucking like you."

Rachel's eyes widened as she took in what Kiara said.

"You... Like me?" It sounded more like a squeak at this point and Kiara noticed.

She chuckled bitterly and averted her eyes back to the ocean.

"Its ok if you don't feel the same way, it's one-sided-"

Kiara was cut off by soft lips crashing against her own and she couldn't do anything but kiss back, wrapping her arms around the redheads waist.

They pulled back for a breath.

"Not a bad kisser." Rachel smirked as Kiara grinned "I could say the same."

"So... Is this.. Official?" Rachel asked as Kiara looked a bit uncomfortable "Do you want it to be?"

The redhead nodded and they met for another kiss which was more fierce then the other one and with teeth and togues.

Then a cough from behind.

There eyes averted to Ryuga, Kyoya, Gingka, Tsubasa and Zero (WTF IS HE EVEN HERE?! Richie: Because you put him there!!).

"You better treat my daughter right." Ryuga stated bluntly as Kiara smirked as saluted "Understood sir."

Kyoya grinned "What did I tell ya?"

Kiara rolled her eyes annoyed but smiled anyway.

"Whatever." Rachel scoffed "And how long were you standing there?"

"LONG ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT MY BABY GIRL'S GROWING UP!!!" Gingka squeaked as he hugged Rachel and Kiara tightly.

"HAGANE!! RELEASE ME!!" Kiara yelled as Rachel struggled for breath.

"Gingka! You'll kill them before their relationship." Tsubasa stated but he too hugged the both of them.

"Will you stop acting like we won the oscar?" Kiara growled.

"Oh but I won the bet, pay up Ryuga." Kyoya held out his hand with a grin as Ryuga rolled his eyes but payed him up.

"10 bucks? Really Kyoya? How desperate are you?" Zero asked, keeping quiet for too long.

"Tsubasa cut off my expenses for a punishment, I don't even know what I did!" Kyoya protested as Tsubasa rolled his eyes "You'll find out."

The rest ignored what was happening and concentrated on the new couple.

"Wait... Just wait a second... YOU GUYS WERE BETTING ON US!!!!???" Kiara screeched at the two adults who nodded sheepishly.

"Why did I know this was going to happen?" Rachel sweatdropped.

"Because reasons." Was Gingka, Tsubasa and Zero's last resort.

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