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"Kyoya, there is no such thing as a ghost." Tsubasa tried to explain as Ryuga and Gingka gave him weird looks.

"Yes there fucking is! Then why the fuck was there a dead sparrow on my desk?!"

"Say what? A dead sparrow?" Gingka asked, suddenly curious.

"I'm sure it was Kiara trying to play a prank on you." Tsubasa was trying to consult himself more than his husband at this point.

"Kinda sick don't you think? She can't stand the sight of blood, how the hell do you think she'll react to a dead sparrow?" Kyoya had a fair point.

"Ok... Maybe it just flew in by accedent?" Ryuga suggested as Kyoya shook his head.

"Can't be, it was covered in blood."

Alfred then walked into the room, followed by Jon and then a scowling Kiara.

"Father, there is no ghost." Kiara continued scowling as she addressed Kyoya "There is no spirit, no fucking one."

Kyoya sighed as he rubbed his temples.

"Tategami, your minds playing tricks on you." Ryuga observed as Kyoya glared at him "IM NOT JOKING RYUGA!"

"If this was a joke father, I shall not hesitate in burning down the house." Kiara threatened as she tried to get Jon to get off her leg.

"But sissy! There really was a ghost, I saw it when I got up in da middle of the night!" The youngest greenette protested.

"Sure you did, Little wing." Kiara rolled her eyes and scoffed "Kids and their imagination."

"So two people saw this?" Gingka asked as he looked between Kyoya and Jon.

"Or so Kyoya says." Tsubasa butted in.

"IM SERIOUS! THIS MANSION IS HAUNTED!" He protested as Alfred rolled his eyes.

"Master Kyoya, there is no ghost, you have simply been watching too many horror movies." The man observed as Kyoya grunted as Kiara nodded.

"Do you really not believe in ghosts Kiara, because just a few days ago you said you saw one." Kyoya pointed out as Kiara smirked.

"Oh I do, I just like going against you."

This made Ryuga, Gingka and Tsubasa chuckle.

"Like Father like Daughter." Ryuga pointed out.

"So she believes me! End of story, there is a ghost." Kyoya said, trying to stop this nonsense once and for all.

"I never said that." Kiara protested, eyeing Jon who was still stuck on her leg, pouting "I said I like going against you."

Kyoya growled under his breath and then the lights went off.

"... Power cut, nothing much." Kiara said as she took her phone out for a little light.

"This can't be a coincidence." Kyoya said as Jon's grip tightened on his sister's legs.

"I don't like the dark." He whispered as Kiara ruffled his hair "I know you don't Jonny."

"Now get off my leg, I'll go fix it, as usual." She drawled as she picked up Jon and handed him to Tsubasa.

"Try not to die will you?" Kyoya joked as Kiara smirked "It takes more than the dark to get rid of me Daddy-O."

With that said, the second greenette was off on the epic adventure to find the power switch.


"Damn, this thing is hard to find." Kiara looked around the basement for the box.

She didn't admit it but she also wasn't a fan of the dark, it creeped her out, especially since she had watched a horror movie not too many days ago.

She had clung onto Rachel for dear life every morning asking for a kiss.

She sighed in relief when she found the power switch and flicked it on and the lights came back on.

Then she turned around and came face to face with a clown.

A creepy one.

She couldn't help it.

She let out a loud yell which was most probably heard all around the house.


"Will sissy be OK?" Jon asked, innocently as he looked at his papa.

"I'm sure she's fine sweetie." Tsubasa kissed his forehead in an attempt to comfort him.

"Yeah, she's a bit too tough to be afraid of anything." Gingka joined in and pinched the youngers cheek.

"I want to be like Kia!" Jon smiled as Kyoya scoffed "Please don't, one sassy kid is all I can handle."

"He seems like a mommy's boy." Ryuga joked as Tsubasa glared at him "I'm not a woman."

Kyoya snickered.

"Who's bottom again?"

Tsubasa punched him square in the gut making him 'oof' and fall off the couch and making Jon giggle.

Then the lights came back on.

"Oh thank g-" Ryuga was cut off by a loud yell.

"WHAT THE HELL?!!" Kyoya shouted as they heard heavy footsteps approach them and slam open the door.


"How did you..?"

"Don't ask, it was like the flash possessed me, now tell me, who ordered a clown?" Kiara demanded as no one moved.

"No one did." Tsubasa finally said as Kiaras face turned red.

"Then. Why. Is. There. A. Clown. In. The. Basement.?" Kiara asked, her eyes gleaming slightly.

"Thats the ghost!!" Jon pointed out "It came to my room once!"

"A clown?!" She laughed "Who do ya think I am?! Do you really think I'd believe that Pennywise the clown was haunting our house?!"

The others eyes widened as she gave them questioning looks and then realisation hit her.

"It's standing right behind me isn't it?"

She turned around and was once again face to face with the clown.

Then she laughed.

Why she laughed no one knew.

"Oh man Rach, you got me." Then there was a familiar laugh from the clown.

Then the mask was ripped off the intruders face and there stood Rachel.

"I knew I did." The redhead laughed as the grown ups and Jon looked spellbound.

"You.... PLAYED A PRANK ON US?!!!! AND I THOUGHT I WAS CRAZY?!!" Kyoya screamed as Kiara's laugh increased.

"But it was funny." Ryuga soon joined in and then Gingka.

Kiara pecked Rachel softly before looking back at the laughing stock (Except Kyoya and Jon).

"And I'm guessing you put the dead sparrow as well?" Alfred asked, unamused as Kiara and Rachel looked genuinely confused.

"What dead sparrow?" Rachel asked as the others eyes widened and they shared glances.

Then the lights went out again.

How was it?! I didn't know how to make it haunted so I kinda went with it so... Yeah.

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