Chapter VI

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It went on for days. The melodies could come in the morning, at night; they could come quietly, sometimes floating in, sometimes crashing. Whenever Meg wasn't performing, she was at my side. She kept me in one piece. She would hug me when the music was stabbing my brain, she would get me water when I couldn't get it myself. My father tried to help, but something about the voice had frightened him. He could sometimes wake up to me furiously writing music at his piano, or just sitting in the middle of the floor sobbing. He always told me I wasn't crazy, but I could see he was trying to convince himself more than me. There was something wrong with me. After a week, my father found me hiding in my secret room.

"I want you to get washed and look nice. Your mother-"

"What's the point?" I mumble. I turn my face away and stare at the piano. "All she's going to see is some crazy child that she hasn't seen in years. I'm just a freak of nature."

"No. No, no." My father rushes to my side. He grabs my chin and looks into my eyes. "Your mother is going to see an amazing young woman. You have a lot more in common with her than you think." He gazes out of the window.

"Yes, yes. I get it." I wave my hands in frustration. "I look just like her. But that doesn't mean she's crazy."

"You're not crazy. I promise. I'm sorry I wasn't there when you needed me. I'm sorry." It kind of surprises me to hear my father say it, but I'm so emotionally drained, I just turn away again. "It's fine. I'll be there in a few minutes."

My father stands to leave, but turns back and kisses my head. "I love you." He leaves before I can answer. "I love you too," I say to the silence. I slam my elbows down into the piano and shove my face into my hands. After sitting there for a few moments, I stand to leave, and for once, no melody. I walk back to my bedroom and try to pick out something nice. Something that would make my father proud and maybe my mother would like. 'An amazing young woman', that's what Papa said. A dress, I decide. I need a dress. After going through my entire drawer of only pants and shirts, I give up and decide to get washed instead. It takes me longer than I thought it would. I didn't realize how much hair I had and how little care I took of it. I spend a solid amount of time combing out all the tangles and letting it dry. I skip going through my clothes again, quickly throw on a shirt and pants, and wander down to Meg's room.

"Meg?" I knock gently and push open her door. "What is it?" She's already shutting the door and pulling me in close. "What's wrong?"

"Oh, nothing," I mumble. "I just need... something nice. I didn't know coming would make you so worried. Sorry." I look down to my feet. "Oh, that's no problem honey. Is this for when your mom comes?" I nod. "Gosh, it's been so long since I saw her last. You look just like her, you know."

"I've been told. You knew my mother?" It feels weird to say that so openly. "Of course! We were practically sisters in the corps! It wasn't long before her voice was... discovered. She never left me behind though. She was so sweet." Meg pulls a knee-length, blue dress out of her closet. It's got a white collar and white cuffs on the sleeves. "I'm not sure why I still have this. I wouldn't have a prayer of fitting into it now." I scoff lightly, "Yeah right." Meg laughs slightly with me, "You know, blue was your mother's favorite color."

"Mine too... It's perfect." I say, gently grazing the dress with my fingers. "Well, what are you waiting for? Go try it on!" Meg tosses the dress to me and I race to my room. I slip it over my head gently and twirl around for a few moments. I make a mental note to ask Meg for more dresses. I pull on some white socks and brown boots and skip back to Meg. When I walk in she notices me in the mirror and turns around, stunned.

"I thought you were her." She says, choking back tears, trapping a sob. "Does that mean-?"

"No." I shake my head vigorously. "I'm not ready for that. Not yet." She nods and moves me to her seat. "Here, let me do your hair."

As she plays with my hair, I wonder if this is all worth it. What if she takes one look at me and acts like I'm not there? What if she already has a daughter? I'm pulled out of my thoughts as Meg moves in front of my face. "Close your eyes. I'm just going to put on a little color in your cheeks. Just like your father- unusually pale." She says giggling.

I try to laugh with her, to breathe, to do anything but worry, but one terrible thought after another flood my brain until the final thought. What if she hates me?

"She's going to love you," Meg says like she's reading my mind. "Don't worry." Hearing Meg say it makes me feel a little better. "There. Done." Meg moves her hands away from my face and places her hands on my shoulders. She turns me toward the mirror. "Look."

One of my eyes starts to open, but my mind starts racing through those thoughts again and I start to take quick, short breaths. "I can't- I'm not-" I push away from Meg and head for the door. She takes my hand and wraps me in a hug. "It's okay. I'm right next to you." She unwraps her hands and steps a little behind me. "Take your time."

I stand for a while with my eyes clamped shut, until Meg hums a song. I realize she's standing right in front of me. My eyes open and she quickly moves out of my view. I find out too late that I'm now looking at myself in the mirror.

"See? That wasn't so hard. Now," Meg rubs my shoulders, smoothing out the dress. "What do you see?"

"It's... just me." I breathe out. "Only- nicer."

"Really?" Meg cups my face in her hands. "That's all? Because I see a young woman, who I watched grow from a small girl to one of the most strong and courageous people I know. She's ready to take on the world. That's what I see." I hug her as hard as I can. "Thank you. For everything."

"Any time, sweetheart."   

AN: We're so close to meeting Christine!! What do you think it's gonna be like? Comment, give me feedback, and vote. Love you guys!!

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