Chapter XXII

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I made it back. I could feel it. I could actually feel the pain in my side. I slowly open my eyes. I look around- I was back in my bedroom. I start to sit up when my side clenches in pain. I hiss and rest a hand over it. A large bandage greets my fingers. I rub over it- the cloth went all the way around my stomach, up and over my shoulder and back down. My upper body was practically covered in cloth. I reach over to the shirt on the chair next to me. I slowly button it, trying not to crunch my side. I awkwardly pull myself out of the bed and grab a crutch waiting for me. I limp over to the door and struggle for a moment between leaning on my crutch and reaching for the door handle. Finally, I pull it open and stumble into the main room.

I survey the scene in front of me. Christine was buried in Papa's chest and he was soothing her. Gustave was sleeping on the floor and a small blanket was thrown over him. I could hear Meg crying outside, most likely talking to her mother.

"What if she doesn't make it?!" Christine cries into Papa's shoulder. "She will, she will." Papa opens his eyes and notices me. He practically throws Christine to the floor as he runs to me. "You're awake! You're- you're alive!" He falls to his knees and kisses me all over my face. Christine falls to the floor next to him. "Oh, sweetheart..." Both have tears streaming down their faces. I gently kiss them on their cheeks, "I'm fine, don't worry."

"Don't worry, she says!" Christine laughs. I limp past them and tap Gustave with my crutch. "Wake up, sleepy head! We've got to play music!" He jolts awake and looks up to me. "You're alive!" He wraps me in a hug and I cry out. He backs away, "Sorry! Sorry..." I smile, "It's okay."

"Elizabeth, dear, do you want to go lie down?" Christine touches my shoulder. I take a deep breath and make a split-second decision. "Christine."

"Yes?" I take her hand and turn to face her. "No. My name." I look down, "It's Christine." Christine looks to Papa, "You named her Christine?" He shrugs his shoulders. "It seemed right. She deserves it." Christine turns back to me and smiles, "Indeed she does." I take her shoulder and bring her down to my chin. I gently kiss her on the forehead, "That's from your father. He says he loves his Little Lotte." Tears glisten in her eyes as I remember the other part of my conversation with Gustave.

"Is Meg outside?" Papa raises an eyebrow, "Are you sure you want to talk to her?" I nod. "I had a very deep conversation with Grandpapa, I know that she was just lost." Papa slowly opens the door and Meg races in and falls at my feet. "I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to-!" I hold up a hand, stopping her. "It was an accident-"

"That doesn't make it okay!" Meg interrupts me. "Mother told me that I should quit because I- I-"

"Meg!" I shout. She looks up to me, tears in her eyes. "It was an accident. Don't apologize. Are you okay?"

"You're... you're not mad?" I shake my head. "I was because I thought I'd never see all this-" I motion to my family behind me- "Ever again, but I made it back. In one piece!" I laugh trying to lighten the mood, resulting in a small smile from her. "So that brings me back to my first question: Are you okay?" She finally meets my eyes, "Yes. Or... I will be."

"Good." I take her hand. "That's all I need."

My family was here. That was all that mattered.

AN: Well guys, that's it! I have a sequel if you want it, but you have to tell me so... Anyway, I hope you liked the book!   

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