Chapter XI

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"Raoul, darling. I didn't think you would be back so early."

"And why not?" He pours himself a glass of brandy and slumps into a chair. "Are you rehearsing- with Mr. Y?" The way he says my father's pseudonym makes my hair stand on the edge. Christine walks over to him and blocks his view of me. "No, just me." She motions behind her back for me to leave. I tiptoe as quietly as I can, but the pointe shoes echo on the floor.

"Who is that, then?" I hear the man stand and Christine cry out. "You." My spine straightens, and my heart is pounding. "Stop." I turn around and see Christine nursing a bruised arm. I notice our bruises are in the same place. Then I remember the man towering over me. "Who are you girl?" I stutter for a few seconds before finally blurting out, "Elizabeth." Raoul turns back to Christine. "Who is she?"

"A new chorus girl." She's quick to answer. Almost too quick. The thought hits me- she does this too much. "Meg sent her to me for some pointe work and a few voice lessons. Apparently, Mr. Y has taken a fancy to this one." Raoul chuckles dryly. "Another 'Angel of Music'? Seems like you are old news." He takes a slow sip of his drink and I see hurt on Christine's face. She rearranges her expression and takes a quick breath. "Yes. It would seem so. Might we take this somewhere else, Elizabeth?" I nod and the two of us walk to the door, but Raoul calls out.

"Wait. I want to hear you sing." I stop suddenly and look to Christine. She stumbles, saying, "Raoul, darling, she's quite new. I don't believe she's-"

"No. I will- sing to the best of my ability." I walk over to Raoul. "A preference, monsieur?"

"Do what you wish. Perhaps I won't have to worry about that Mr. Y anymore." I curtsy and walk over to the piano. I can see Christine out of the corner of my eye and she's staring at me with all the energy in her body. As if on cue, her voice echoes in my mind and begins to sing. I quickly follow along, not stopping to look at either Christine's or her husband's reactions.

When I finish, I look to Raoul and Christine and stand. "Would you like me to dance, monsieur?"

"No. Ah, no that won't be necessary." He turns to Christine, whose mouth is hanging open in shock. "Why do you look so shocked? Haven't you been giving her voice lessons?"

"We hadn't started yet." Her voice is quiet. "Maybe we don't need to." Raoul faces me again. "Where did you learn that song, child?"

I look Christine right in the eye and say, "My mother taught it to me." Christine's face shifts from horror to acceptance. Raoul takes her hand and gazes into her eyes in a way I've never seen before: love. Real love.

"That song was Madame de Changy's first role at the Paris Opera House. She sang it beautifully." I curtsy. "It is my honor." Raoul chuckles. "Well, she's certainly got some manners, doesn't she?"

"Yes, it would seem she does. Should we leave you, darling?" Christine pulls back, only slightly, straightening her dress. "No, no. I believe I'll go back to the bar." He bows to me. "Mademoiselle Elizabeth. Darling." I watch him leave and I turn to Christine. "Is he always like that?" I motion to her arm. She rubs it again, "No." I can tell in her face that she's lying. I cross my arms over my chest. "We've got to stop lying to each other." I plop down on the floor and begin messing with my pointe shoes. "Well, why didn't you tell me you could sing? Like that?" She asks. "It didn't seem important," I mumble.

Christine drops down next to me, stopping my hands. "Didn't seem-? Darling," she gently tilts my chin up. "You have a voice beyond your years. I cannot believe you've never had lessons, it wonderful. Nobody is able to sing like that on command-"

"Well, you could. And still can," I reply. "From what I've heard, you have a voice that soars. Tone beyond compare, clear notes..." Christine lets out a small laugh. "You've been listening to your father too much."

"No." I point to my head. "I've heard. Why don't you sing something for me now!" I stand and run to the piano. "Oh, no... no, I couldn't. I can't sing." She turns away from me. "You're singing in a few days."

"Um, yes. I need to talk to your father about that..." She says, turning away from me. "Wait, you're still singing. Right?"

"Yes. Just some confusion over when." She opens the door, turning to face me. "I never did ask, what is your real name?" I freeze, not knowing what to say. "Why don't we just stick with Elizabeth for now? To keep up the chorus girl thing." She nods, pausing, "You will tell me one day, right?"

"Sure," I lie, looking at the ground. "Promise."

AN: New chapter! Enjoy!!


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