Chapter XV

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"Wake up!" I feel an arm shaking me. It hurts, a lot. "Come on, wake up!" I slowly open my eyes, my vision blurry before settling on Meg's face. "Meg?" I croak out. "Oh, thank god!" She helps me sit up. "Mother, Christine! She's awake!" Both women come racing to my side.

"Where's Papa?" I ask, but Aunt Giry has other things on her mind.

"Who did it? Who did this?!" I shake my head, trying to stop the room from spinning. "Raoul..." I whisper, just loud enough for Meg to hear. Her eyes widen, and she turns to her mother. "Him." Christine gasps and pulls me into her arms. "Darling, I'm so sorry!" She strokes my hair, but I can only focus on her heartbeat to stay conscious. She picks me up in her arms and carries me to a chair. "We'll get you cleaned up, don't worry." The clock chimes 6 and Christine suddenly stops what she's doing.

"The concert! I have to go!" She sparks the bet in my brain, but she's gone before I can tell her. "The bet-"

"What bet?" Aunt Giry is already on top of this. "Raoul and Papa- they made a bet- if Maman sings-"

"Slow down." Meg takes my face in her hands. "Breathe. If she sings, what happens?"

"She stays and Raoul leaves by himself. If she walks, they all leave together and get their money." Aunt Giry and Meg look at each other before pulling me to my feet. "Let's get you ready for the concert, yes?" I nod as I walk to Meg's dressing room.

"I'll be right back." Aunt Giry slips out the door. Meg sits me down in a chair. "Where is Papa?" Meg shrugs. "No one has seen him all day." I have, I think to myself. Then I realize something else. The clock chimed 6 times. "Meg, I went to the bar this morning. I was there when you were talking with Raoul. I've been out for that long?" I say in a daze. Meg slowly nods. "We found you about an hour ago, the doors to the bar had been locked. Raoul must have locked them. We almost thought we'd lost you."

Meg is looking through her closet for dresses, but she keeps glancing at me and then ducking her head. "Meg?" She doesn't look at me, just keeps her head down. Her face is bright red. "You're not telling me something." She takes a shaky breath. "I'm so sorry, honey. I think you should look before anyone says anything..."

"What do you mean?" My breath quickens. She slowly holds up a handheld mirror. My hand flies to my face. The knife.

A gash the size of my little finger gazes back at me, running from outside the corner of my eye just past my mouth, almost a perfect straight line downward. I open my mouth, but no sound comes out. "We can put something on it-"

"No." I stop her. "I want Raoul to see what he's done. Let him see me like this." Meg's eyes brim with tears, "You are such a brave little woman." She pulls me into a hug. "Let me at least clean it." I'll let her have this. "Sure."

It didn't take long, but it was painful. The gash was still red, but one day it would fade to a scar. It would be my pride. Papa may not take his scar with pride- granted, his was much larger- but my scar would be proof to those around me: I was not to be trifled with.

"Did you ever get to talk to your father?" Meg asks while getting her costume together. "I did. He said to wait until after this show." She smiles. I was happy Papa was giving her a chance. "But," I continue, "just because you might be doing a different style doesn't mean you shouldn't beat this number into the ground. Like you always do." I smile at her. She giggles and gives me a mocking salute, "Yes ma'am."

"If you don't mind, I'm going to find Maman. I'd really love for her to stay, finally to have a mother. Oh! And a little brother!" I get out of my chair and slip out the door. "I think Papa is going to visit her, so don't worry about me staying too long. I'll be back in time for your number!" Something darkens in Meg's expression, but it's almost gone too quick before she looks down at the table.

"Yes, of course, he's going to visit her."

AN: We're getting close to the end you guys! Also, if anybody has read the Lunar Chronicles, the scar is similar to Winter's. If anybody knows what that means. Love you, comment and vote! 

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