Chapter XVI

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As I wander through backstage, passing dressing rooms, workers, and dancers, I realize that this is the place for Christine. She practically grew up here, in this world. Raoul wasn't going to take that away from her, I would make sure of it.

"Where are you going?" I turn and see Gustave behind me. He stares at my cheek. "What happened?" He reaches out and barely grazes it with his thumb. I pull away, and consider telling him the truth, but decide against it. He did still think Raoul was his father. "I was helping with some scenery, it fell." He nods, looking down at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I think it's beautiful." I say, running my own hand over my cheek. Gustave looks up at me, his eyes widening. "It is... isn't it?" I look down and answer his first question. "I'm going to Madame De Changy's dressing room."

"Oh, father was just in there. I think he's wishing her luck." I nod sharply and head to her dressing room. As I come to the door, I hear them whispering.

"Don't sing," Raoul says in a hushed voice. "What?" Christine sounds completely shocked. "Something's wrong."

"But- I have to do this. It's what we agreed to!" Raoul starts again. "Him. It's a game to him."

"Let me just get through this. Listen- please- I need to-!" There it was. The absolute truth that Christine needed music.

"I've denied you so much..." Raoul says, sincerity in his voice. "I promise I will change. I'll stop drinking, gambling, all of it. Not just for you but for Gustave as well. Please- just leave tonight- for Gustave."

"I-" Christine stops. "Of course, dear." No, she couldn't leave! "Let me just get ready." Raoul opens the door and sees me in the hallway. His expression turns cold. "You again. Didn't I already show you what you are?"

"Less than two seconds of a promise to change, and you've already broken it." I cross my arms. "You've given me a gift. This scar," I motion to my face and Raoul flinches away, "proves that I can withstand anything."

"It is supposed to put you in your place." Raoul advances toward me, but I stand my ground.

"Well, I think it's beautiful. So does Gustave." Raoul chuckles, the sound deep in his throat. "He's only a child. It doesn't matter anyway, who thinks is you look beautiful or not, Mademoiselle Elizabeth. I hope you know that Christine is leaving with me."

"She may be leaving physically, but you will never truly have her. She needs music, the stage, you can't give that to her. And you know it." Raoul stops and backs away. "We shall see." He storms down the hallway.

A stagehand comes down the hall and opens Christine's door. "Miss Daaé, 5 minutes." I peer inside and find her completely lost in thought, a new necklace around her neck. Papa has been here. I knock gently.

"Maman?" She looks to me, her gaze coming out of a trance. "Papa was just here, wasn't he?" She slowly nods. "Oh, sweetheart." She gently takes my face in her hands. "I'm so sorry he did this to you." She turns and looks in the mirror. "This is why I'm so confused! To think that Raoul might do something like this, but then promise to change? I don't know what to do. Should I sing? What would happen if I didn't?"

"Raoul might change," I say coming to her side, looking at her through the mirror. "You would go back to France, I assume, and return to your normal life."

"And if I sing?" Christine takes my hand in hers. "Papa and I would treat you like a queen and you would be allowed to sing whenever you would like." She looks down at her wedding ring. "I don't want to make the choice for you, but I would love for you to stay. I love you, Maman."

"And what of Gustave? Would he stay here? What if Raoul takes him?" I shrug my shoulders. "If he stays, I would love to have a brother and I think he really enjoys it here. I'm not sure he would have the same life as he would in France, but I think he would be happy wherever he is. He's a good kid."

"I want to sing." She looks at the ceiling, trying to stop her tears from falling. "God, I want to sing. But should I?"

"Whatever you choose to do, I love you all the same." I pull away from her. "If you're going to sing, you should probably head to the stage. I think Meg's act is finishing up." I mentally scold myself; I was supposed to watch Meg's number. Christine nods and stands, her shoulders square as she walks out the door.

She was going to sing. She was going to stay, I knew it. 

AN: Does anybody like this story? I feel like no one does.  

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