Chapter IX

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The next morning, I sneak out my door and run to Meg's room. She went 'out' the night before, so I know she's not waking up anytime soon. I tiptoe over to her closet and search for another blue dress. I pull out three or four, finally deciding and quickly shoving the rest back into the closet. Last minute, I decide to grab another item from her room. Then I race back to my room and put on the dress. I love this on even more than the last one.

I try pulling my hair back like Meg did, but the curls are a lot more difficult to deal with than Meg made it seem. I wonder how Christine could ever get her hair pulled back into such a tight bun last night. I let it just hang loose instead. It feels better, more like my mother. I remember that Papa was going to be showing Gustave around, and he promised I could see Christine.

I sit and wait until everyone else is up- I didn't sleep at all last night- so I play some music to pass the time. I don't know if she is awake or not, but Christine's voice is in my head. It's much quieter than usual which makes it easier to concentrate.

As much as I've tried, in all my songs, I stop writing music down one way or another. I find it easier to keep playing and not stop the process. It doesn't matter if I write it down, I know I'll change it later. I don't know how long I've been playing, but my father comes to my side, scaring me.

"You didn't write any of that down." He says sternly. "No," I reply. "Music is a free thing. Writing it down is like tying it down. It restricts the potential. I'd much rather let it come and go."

Suddenly, there's a knock the door and Meg pokes her head in the room.

"Excuse me, sorry, but you said you wanted to come to rehearsal today, right?" I nod and go to grab my boots.

"You might want to tell that to your mother." My father says, stroking the keys. "She'd very much like to hear that."

"Alright," I answer hesitantly. "Trust me. Just tell her." Then I close the door, left with so many questions.

AN: Sorry this one is so short! If you want the longer one today, just comment and I'll post it. Love you guys!

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