Chapter XIX

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When we reach the pier, Meg was slowly dragging Gustave toward the end of the pier. Christine immediately cries out, "GUSTAVE!" His head whips in our direction, "Mother!" He moves to us, but Meg pulls him back, "No, I'm not done yet!" My father shouts at her, moving dangerously close, "Let go of the boy now!"

"Not another step!" She aims the gun at us while pushing Gustave to the end of the pier. My father backs away, but growls at her. "Let go of him, girl, or I promise you-!"

"Not another word!" She cocks the gun. "I have wanted your attention for too long! You will listen to me!" We all stare at her, unsure of what to do. "I did this!" Her voice cracks. "I did all of it!"

"What are you saying?" My father asks quietly. "Who got you money? Who got you the permits? Who swayed the local bosses, favor with the press?" She slowly moves the gun over to Christine. "Not. Her." I can see tears glistening in her eyes. "And you! You did nothing either!" She points the gun at me. "You sat there and did nothing!"

"Meg, I didn't know-!"

"I did it. Even if it took my soul, my entire sanity! I spent too much time in their laps, their arms. In their BEDS!"

"Meg!" Aunt Giry holds back a sob. "My little Meg..." I take her hand, soothing her. "I don't really need him..." She pulls Gustave back from the ledge and pushes him back to Christine. We quickly shield him from Meg, Papa and I in front. "I just needed you to see this." She moves the gun to her head. "No, Meg!" I rush to her, but Papa puts an arm stopping me.

"Meg... Give me the gun, Meg." His voice is quiet. "Give me the blame, it was my fault, no one else's. Not yours, not Christine's, my fault." Meg takes a small step backwards. "Give me the gun Meg. Let me see what you did for me. All the beauty still inside you." She takes in a shaky breath, "Yes..."

"Give me the gun." Papa slowly moves closer to her. "I will give you what you deserve. Diamonds never sparkle bright if they aren't set just right. Let me set you, my diamond, just right." He is so close, he has the gun in his hand. "We can't all be like Christine."

Meg snaps out of her trance. "Christine? Christine. Always Christine-!"

The gun goes off.

AN: Hello.

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