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Kane Augustus's POV

Ring! Ring!

I sighed and rolled over, knocking my phone to the ground. "Shit!" I mumbled, while picking it up and hitting accept. "Hello?" I asked groggily.

"Hello, Kane. It's Nic." Nicolas said from the other side. I sat up straighter and cleared my throat.

"Ah, good afternoon, Nicolas. How can I help you?" I asked him with a knowing smirk. "Sereia just agreed to sign the contract," he said cockily.

I chuckled. "You lucky dog, you. She's a beauty," I told him and it was the god honest truth.

He chuckled also. "Yes, so I just wanted to see if you were available on Monday, say around three p.m. to go over the details with us?" He asked.

I put the phone on speaker. "I'm looking at my schedule right now," I told him while pulling up the calendar app.

I had nothing scheduled for Monday so I smiled and took the phone off of speaker. "I should be able to make it," I told him.

"Great. I'll get it scheduled. Thanks again, Kane," he said with gratitude. "No problem," I replied then ended the call.

The following Monday...

I arrived in front of Kane's building and headed up to his office. I was met with a secretary and she guided me to the conference room.

Twenty minutes later the door opened and Miss Taylor and Nicolas walked in. "Hello again, Miss Taylor," I greeted her in my business tone, while extending my hand to her.

She shook my hand then I cleared my throat. "Are you two ready to go?" I asked them, glancing back and forth between the two. The heated tension radiating off of them was slightly nerve racking.

"Yes, Kane," Nic replied with a steady calmness. "Let's get this done," he said casually.

Nicolas and Sereia took their seats, as did I. I went through my briefcase and pulled out the contract.

"Now, then," I said, placing the contract in front of Sereia. "This is the contract. We're going to go over the terms one by one. I'm sure you both understand the gist of the contract, but just to be sure, I'll go into detail with you," I told Sereia.

"Do not be afraid to ask any questions," I added, while looking at Miss Taylor. "Now then, number one: both of you are expected to act like a married couple in public. You don't need to get all lovey dovey, unless that's what you want," I said with a smirk.

Nicolas and Sereia momentarily bickered and I cleared my throat. "Otherwise, at least do the little things. Hold hands, kiss cheeks, do whatever," I told her.

"Just make it believable."

I then informed her that she would have to move in with Nicolas and sleep in the same bed. She got red in the face then glared at Nicolas.

"What about my roommate?!" She asked in shock. "He won't be able to pay for our apartment by himself."

I leaned back and let the two bicker some more. "I'll pay for it," Mr. André told her. "Okay, but I'm not sleeping in the same bed as you," she said with sass.

"You can sleep on the floor then," Nic told her and I suppressed a laugh. "That's not how you treat a lady, Nic," I scolded him.

Sereia started laughing and I couldn't help but smile. Watching them try to come to an agreement left me exhausted.

"No need to get into an argument, you two," I groaned, rubbing my temples. "Sereia," I began saying. "You understand that you are going to be engaged with a well known publisher and author, correct?" I asked her.

She nodded and I continued on. I informed her what would happen if paparazzi would happen to take a picture of them sleeping separate and she frowned then gave in.

"Alright, fine," she said in defeat.

"Number three," I said loudly, bringing the attention back to me and away from Nic's sexual comment towards Sereia.

"Neither of you can date other people. Again, you want to make this marriage believable, so going out and flirting with other people in public is a no go. That includes online dating," I said loud and clear.

"I don't think I'll have any issues with that. Most guys are pigs. Exhibit A," she said, pointing to Nicolas.

I laughed at her remark. "I'm not a pig. I just appreciate beautiful women, such as yourself. And what are you laughing at, stalker?" He asked me and I held my hands up in surrender.

"I am not a stalker. I am a gentlemen," I replied with confidence. "Maybe you can learn a thing or two from him, Nic," Sereia said and I smiled. Nicolas pouted like a baby while glaring at Sereia.

"Are you done, children?" I asked while smirking. "We need to finish this meeting. I have to go pick up Dallas soon," I told them, as I checked the time.

Nic changed his demeanor and smiled. "How is your sister?" He asked. "She's good. Although I was about to beat the crap out of this punk she went on a date with. He was little prick," I admitted truthfully.

"Next time, call me. I'll help you," he growled. "Next time. For now, let's finish this," I told him. I went over with Sereia how she is to cook and clean, which lead to Nicolas admitting his reason why.

They bickered again and when that was over, I went over the final rule. "NO ONE, except for me, is allowed to know about this," I told Sereia. I explained why and provided the disclosure documents.

I signed the paper, then slid it over to Sereia and Nicolas. They both signed after yet another long bicker. I saved all the papers in my briefcase and we exited the room.

Nicolas put on his game face and proposed to his girl. Only he didn't realize he actually meant it. They will soon realize the love they have for each other.

I agreed to attend the wedding then walked Sereia out. Before departing, I gave her words of wisdom.

After talking with Nicolas some more, I left to pick up my sister. Along the way I noticed his secretary running up to someone. Her long dark hair then came into sight and I smirked at my beauty, running in all her glory.

What do you think will happen in the next chapter with Adelina and Kane? Do you think a true encounter will finally happen again?

Anyways, like omg! I'm still so excited over the fact that this book is getting so much attention. Like 700 reads?!!! Ahhhhhhh! (Still cringing 😂)

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