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Adelina Augustus's POV

"Ahhhhhhhhhh!" I screamed, contractions taking over once again.

"Shit!" Kane screamed. "Dallas!! Come on!! Adelina is in labor! Grab the bag!" He yelled with a smile.

"Don't fucking smile at me. I'm in pain and I want to rip your throat out!" I snapped and he chuckled.

He picked my heavy ass up and carried me bridal style all the way to the car, laying me in the back seat.

Another contraction hit, but more pain came with it. Something wasn't right.

"Kane! It hurts! Something is wrong," I said in worry.

"Hold on baby. I'm calling it in," he said and quickly phoned the hospital. Dallas tried soothing me, but I couldn't help but think something bad was going to happen.

We arrived at the hospital and Kane helped me out of the car. Dallas grabbed the bags and I gripped the arm rest of the wheel chair.

"Shit, ass, fuck, bitch!" I screamed. "It hurts!"

"Take her up to OR 2!" A doctor yelled and someone removed the chair from Kane's hands.

He was scared and confused, but I couldn't help him. I smiled reassuringly and he smiled back softly.

They placed me on a bed and wheeled me the rest of the way like that, not telling me what was going on.

Another doctor came into the room and checked me vaginally for crowning.

"Okay, Mrs. Augustus, we are going to have to do a c section. We will inform your husband. He'll be up shortly. We need to prep you and get your baby out quick. The umbilical cord is wrapped around your baby's neck."

"Oh my god!" I said in panic and I started to cry.

"It'll be okay," a nurse told me and I tried to take deep breaths. She calmed me down while the anesthesiologist stuck a long ass needle in my spine.

My body soon became numb and I felt relaxed. "Send him in," the doctor said to a nurse and I smiled.

Kane walked in and grabbed my hand. "It's going to be okay baby," he whispered and kissed my forehead.

"Okay, we have already begun. Shortly you will feel some tugging and that's normal. We will be pulling the baby out. You'll hear her cries, then we'll weigh and measure before letting you hold her."

"Okay," I whispered and squeezed Kane's hand. The tugging began and I felt as if I couldn't breath.

"Just relax and breath," the nurse told me and I smiled. "Thanks."

"Almost done," the doctor said my heart soared with excitement.

Emilia Jane Augustus

Her cry filled the room and tears spilled from my eyes.

Kane's eyes were watering as the nurses approached us. She placed our baby on my chest and I hiccuped as I cried.

She was beautiful. "One healthy six pound thirteen ounce babygirl," the nurse said.

"She's a spitting image of her mom," Kane whispered and I smiled.

"We're going to send baby out with daddy and we're going to send you to the recovery room for an hour. After that we will bring you to your room where everyone will be waiting for you."

"Okay," I said sadly, as they placed Emilia in Kane's arms.

"We will come see you baby," he told me and I smiled. "Okay," I whispered.

"It's okay to sleep. It's a natural response," the nurse told me and I nodded. "Okay good," I said softly, letting my eyes close.

The sound of people whispering and beeping awoke me from my slumber. I opened my eyes and groaned, regretting my fast moving.

"Shit," I mumbled, clutching my stomach.

"Take it easy baby. You're still numb. Don't try to move," Kane told me and I giggled.

"You'd make a sexy nurse," I mumbled and he chuckled.

"This is some good medicine," I told him while I looked around.

Sereia was holding Emilia, smiling down at the little piece of heaven with Carlos looking over her shoulder.

"She's beautiful," Sereia whispered and I smiled. "Thanks for coming," I told her.

"Can I?" I questioned and everyone laughed.

"Okay everyone, why don't you all head out. Let Adelina and Kane have some alone time with the baby," Carlos spoke up and I smiled at him in thanks.

"See you later cuz," he said with a wink. I winked back and smiled as Kane placed Emilia in my arms.

"My beautiful girls," he said softly, looking at me with nothing but love.

Dallas came in and smiled. "Just wanted to let you know I'm going stay at a friends," she whispered and Kane nodded.

"Wait!" I said and they looked at me weird. "Have a nurse take a pic of all of us. Our family isn't complete without Dallas," I said.

They both smiled and I felt complete.

Who is sad the book is ending? One more chapter 😭

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