10. Addiction

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As they were walking, Dev stopped all sudden. There was a guitar tune coming from the nearby shop. Dev looked at it.

How can Sona forget that he was a music student and passionate about singing? He moves towards the shop and touches the glass window, hesitantly. And then smiled on his own. She smiles warmly and stands beside him.

After Sonakshi and Dev had a morning walk, she sat on the grass in the park and he does the same. "I have something!!" she chirps happily and pulls out a novel from her bag.

She was dictating to him the novel and he was deep in his thoughts and was imagining the story. After a while, he placed his head on her lap and continues listening to the story. She smiles in her mind.

After a while, in between the dictation, she finds him sleeping peacefully on her lap. It's the first time she has seen him sleeping on his own, without any pills or injections.

He looks like a kid. Though his face was pale she was satisfied with the little sign of improvement of his condition.

She finds herself smiling at him. It was such a peaceful sight.


"Dev... This is my turn to sleep on your lap... Now get up and let me enjoy the spring." she pouts sitting on the park's bench. She was fuming on Dev who was cuddling in her lap.

"Nope..... You don't know how much I need this for now!!"

Flashback ends.

"I'm sorry Dev..... You have always given me hints and I was so dumb to understand" she thinks in her head. And keeps smiling and playing with his hair.

Suddenly he opens his eyes, scared and terrified. And gets up, breathing heavily. "Sshhhh...." she rubs his knuckles. He huffs.

"This is not his usual panic attack...... Then what is it!! Why's he behaving like this!!" She thought to herself. "I..... I want it" he huffs. "What?" She asks. "I... I want.....it" his eyes turns red and watery. "What are you......What are you.....Demanding ?" Asks she. And his reply fetches the floor from under her. "That....... That water..... That.....Drug"

And this demand of him was all to blow her mind. He was demanding about the drug! The drug, which was been given to him to rape him. He was...... Addicted to it.

"Dev... No..... You can't demand that" she shakes him but he huffs and keeps demanding for it. "Please..... Please...... I'll.... I'll die...... without it....." He begs. He was so helpless in front of the craving.

"Ssshhh..... Dev that is a poison....."

"Just shut up" he yells and she jerks back. "This bloody life is a poison......" He shouts.

"Dev... This is not you who's saying all this... This is that drug"

"Sonakshi please....." He joins his hands and begs. "I'll.... I'll die" he begs.

"Shut up dev" she shakes him.

"I want it"


"Please..... Sonakshi"



"Dev just stops it" she yells. "Just look at yourself!!! Don't you want to live? Say" she yells shaking him and he keeps craving for drugs. "You have been given a new life!!! You are not in that hell anymore!!! No one can touch you now!!! You should be thankful...... You have to show some guts..... You are not this weak, do you understand!!"

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