So You Have a Boyfriend?-1

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Jennie sat at her desk, running her hands through her hair, waiting for the next applicant to come in. She had seen person, after person, after person, but no one seemed to be the right fit.

"Why isn't anyone qualified?!?" she groaned.

"Jennie, calm down I think you're being too picky." Lisa, Jennie's closest friend said.

"No, I'm not. Look at all the people that came in. This one's underqualified, this one's never worked a day in their life, and this one looks like they're on the brink of death." she said, pointing at each resume as she listed everything wrong with the person. "Why couldn't Chae just stay?!?"

"Yeah, she's great. I'm really sad she's leaving too." Lisa breathes out heavily.

"You're only saying that because you're in love with her. And the only reason you came up to my office everyday was because you wanted to stare at her as she called me to let you in."

"That's not true!" Lisa protests.

"Lisa, literally everyone except Chae in the office knows that this is true." Jennie points out.

Lisa just sinks down into her chair and starts reading the next name off of the list.

"The next person coming in is named Kim Jisoo. She's 23 years old, and... good at eating chicken?"

"Pardon?" Jennie asks.

"Yeah, she put on her resume under 'special skills' that she can eat a lot of chicken." Lisa says, pointing to a line on Jisoo's resume.

Jennie chuckles "Alright, send her in I guess." while playing with her fingernails under her desk.

"Hi, I'm Jisoo." says a voice.

Jennie looks up to see a goddess of a woman staring back at her.

"Oh! U-um, hi." she stutters back. "I'm Jennie, nice to meet you." she says reaching over the desk to shake the petite girl's hand.

"So, what makes you think that you're a good fit for the job?" Jennie asks, once Jisoo sits down.

"Well," Jisoo chuckles. "I'm pretty organized, I'm pretty good at talking with people, and I guess you could say that I'm pretty easy going."

"You're also really pretty." Jennie thinks in her head.

"I also have experience working as a secretary. Right now I'm a barista at a cafe, but before that, I worked for someone named Kang Seulgi at SM, and most recently, Im Nayeon at JYP. And I had Nayeon write me a letter of recommendation, but I'm not really sure of how good it is." Jisoo says, sheepishly tapping her resume on Jennie's desk.

"Hm, it seems as if you're really qualified, but why did you leave your job at SM and JYP?" Jennie questions.

"Well, I dunno, I guess I just got bored.  Or, maybe kinda sorta got fired, for very minor issues might I add."

"Bored of what? The atmosphere or being a secretary?" Jennie asks, deciding to gloss over the fact that Jisoo got fired from multiple jobs.

"I guess both. I mean, I'm only here to get paid, then get out. You know. I don't think any little girl really has her heart set on being a secretary."

"Well then what are you passionate about?"

Jisoo hesitated for a moment. "Ever since I was little, I've always really enjoyed painting and drawing. I do it whenever I can, but sometimes work gets in the way, and my boyfriend says it's a waste of time and that I should just drop the entire thing already."

Jennie's heart sinks hearing the word boyfriend. But why should she be sad? Jennie thinks to herself. She only met Jisoo a couple minutes ago, so she shouldn't be upset over the fact that Jisoo already has someone, or that Jisoo is straight.

"But, I dunno, I guess since I've been doing it for so long I don't really want to drop it. You know? I've always dreamt of going to all the different art museums around the world. Like the Smithsonian, the Louvre, or the Metropolitan. And maybe seeing one of my paintings hanging in there. But, dreams can only be dreams, right?" Jisoo lets out a sigh.

"So you have a boyfriend?" Jennie asks, immediately cringing to herself for letting that question slip out.

"Yeah, his name is Jinyoung, we've been going out for about 6 months now." Jisoo nods.

"By the way you talk about how he wants you to stop art, one would assume that you've been going out longer." Jennie scoffs.

"Well, I guess he doesn't really understand it, and he just wants what's best for me." Jisoo retorts defensively.

"How old are you again? 23?" Jennie asks, trying to ease the tension.


"I see."

"How old are you?" Jisoo asks.

"I'm not telling you." Jennie chuckles, leaning back in her seat.

"You look around my age, how are you the CEO of YG already?"

"That's for me to know." Jennie smiles, obviously enjoying teasing the older girl.

Jisoo sighs in defeat, nodding her head.

"Well Jisoo, I think this went pretty well, and I'd say you have a good shot. If all goes well for you, I'd say you have a good shot at the job."

"Thank you, Ms. Kim." Jisoo says, bowing.

"You can call me Jennie."

"Oh, well then, thank you Jennie." Jisoo says, smiling, before walking out of Jennie's office.

"I think I've just found my new secretary." Jennie says, smiling to herself.

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