I Can Do What I Want-11

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Jennie and Jisoo are sitting in the living room, watching as people roam the streets of Seoul, until finally Jisoo speaks up.

"So, what's the policy on dating within the company?" Jisoo asks.

"What? Who asked you out? Was it Bobby? It was Bobby wasn't it."

"Woah, I was just asking a simple question. And I wouldn't go out with Bobby. He's... how do you say... a man. And I like women. We've been over this."

Jisoo has already concluded that she and Jennie like each other, but apparently Jennie's still oblivious. As much as Jisoo knows it's unprofessional, and that she could easily get fired for something like this, she can't help but imagine what it'd be like to be held in Jennie's arms, or to wake up next to her at least once.

"I'm sorry." Jennie says quietly.

Jisoo chuckles seeing Jennie timidly play with her hair. She's never seen Jennie like this before, because she always has on her strong persona, but seeing Jennie's softer side makes Jisoo even more sure that she likes Jennie.

"Anyways, what would happen if two people in the company started a relationship?"

"They'd probably get fired."

Jisoo slowly nods her head and looks away.  She'll admit, she's a little disappointed, and afraid to make the first move. While Jennie's trying to forget that she had half-confessed to Jisoo, Jisoo's trying to get Jennie to see that she likes her too. Why can't she just notice?

"Jisoo Unnie."

"Hm?" Jisoo looks up, being broken out of her thoughts.

"I-I'm really glad that you're staying here with me. It makes the space less empty, and, I appreciate that you haven't left yet, given I'm a terrible host."

"Nini, you're the best host ever. I don't think anyone would've been as caring as you." Jisoo smiles.

Jennie realizes how close she is to Jisoo again. She can really just wrap her arms around Jisoo right now if she wanted to. She feels herself wanting to kiss Jisoo, and tell her that everything will be okay, and that she'd protect her from whatever evil is in the world. Jennie glances down to Jisoo's lips, and looks up to meet Jisoo's eyes. Jisoo wraps her arms around Jennie's neck, bringing her closer and smashing their lips together. Jennie's hands make their way to Jisoo's waist and she holds her close, almost like she's afraid of losing her. Slowly Jisoo pulls away, drowning in Jennie's eyes until reality sets in.

"Oh my god. I'm so sorry." Jisoo says, getting up and running to the guest bedroom.

Jennie chases after her and finds Jisoo pacing in the bedroom.

"I know you're going to fire me for doing something this unprofessional, so just make it quick and I'll leave."

"Jisoo, you're not going to leave. And you're not getting fired."

"But what about that whole policy about relationships?"

"I'm the CEO. I can do what I want." Jennie says, sitting on the bed.

Jisoo stops pacing and turns to Jennie. "That was so embarrassing oh my god." Jisoo whispers to herself.

"It wasn't as bad as you think." Jennie smiles.

As much as Jisoo knows that Jennie likes her as well, she can't bring herself to think that Jennie's okay with their kiss. Jisoo plops down next to Jennie and covers her face with her hands.

"Hey." Jennie chuckles, pulling Jisoo's hands away.

Jisoo looks into Jennie's eyes, finding a soothing comfort in them.  Almost like a safe comfort.

"I'm so sorry." Jisoo says, looking down.

Jennie places her index finger under Jisoo's chin and brings her face up so their eyes meet again. And almost as a reassurance, she crashes her lips onto Jisoo's, holding her face in her hands. It feels right, and Jennie wants to stay like this forever. She feels Jisoo's arms snake around her waist, causing her to smile into the kiss.  When Jennie pulls away, she rests her forehead against Jisoo's and smiles.

"Don't be."


Jisoo cooked dinner for Jennie and the pair ate together, laughing and talking, both of them extremely giddy over what just happened. After they finished, they got ready for bed, and Jennie made sure that Jisoo was comfortable.

"See you tomorrow." Jennie says, kissing Jisoo's forehead.

Jisoo just hums in response and Jennie walks out of the room and into her own bedroom. She lays down on her bed, smiling up at the ceiling, replaying the day's events. What are you doing to me Jisoo, she smiles. Soon after, she falls asleep.


A/N: So yeah, really bad and short chapter, but Jisoo and Jennie are together now so that's good

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