Why Would I Ever Leave You?-38

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Jennie and Jisoo are currently standing in their hotel room, having a heated argument over a slice of pizza. Although it may seem like a minor issue, the pair have somehow amplified it to become a major issue.

"Jisoo, for the last time, I did not take a bite of your pizza while you were getting more napkins!"

"Then why does it have a bite mark in it, huh?"

"That's from you! Before you stood up, you said 'Wait, I'm gonna take a bite.' and you took a bite!"

"I do not remember doing that, if I had done that, I would have a pizza aftertaste in my mouth right now!"

"Well do you have a pizza aftertaste?"

Jisoo hesitates for a moment and repeatedly smacks her lips together.


"Jisoo! I told you! We literally just had a 15 minute argument over something that didn't happen."

"I'm sorry, please forgive me." Jisoo says with puppy dog eyes.

Jennie glares at Jisoo for a moment before her gaze softens.

"Why am I dating you." Jennie mutters. "I lose every argument because you're just too damn cute to be mad at."

"Love you!" Jisoo giggles, hopping onto the bed.

Jennie giggles and follows, tackling Jisoo onto her back and burying her face into Jisoo's neck. The two had been like this practically the entire day, just lounging around in the hotel room to rest up for the long night ahead. Jennie also had to come to New York for a business dinner, and since she thinks it's unethical to just leave Jisoo alone in a foreign country, Jisoo gets to come with her this time.

"We should start getting ready." Jisoo says, glancing at the clock.

Jennie just groans in response and hugs Jisoo's body tighter.

"What if I don't wanna get ready? What if I just wanna stay here with you?"

"Then you have the possibility of losing a bunch of business partners."

Jennie sighs and climbs off of Jisoo, pouting in the process.

"If you keep your face like that you'll get wrinkles." Jisoo says bluntly. "I'm gonna go change in the bathroom, you stay in here."

"I've seen you naked multiple times Jisoo, I don't understand why you can't change in front of me."

"I still have a little holiday weight. It's embarrassing."

"So what? I'll still love you, no matter what you look like or what your body looks like."

"Are you sure? Because when I say holiday weight I mean like, five extra pounds."

"Yes Jisoo, I've told you that I'll love you no matter what. I've seen you with your holiday weight before as well, you look fine."

"But yeah, that was when we were all caught up in the moment, and, I don't know."

"Fine, if you don't feel comfortable, you don't have to. But please remember that I'll always love you, no matter what. Even when we're old and wrinkly, I'll still love you, and nothing will ever change that. Please don't doubt that I'll love you no matter what."

Jisoo smiles softly and gathers her clothes.

"Thank you. I love you." she says, leaning down to peck Jennie's lips. "But I still don't feel confident enough."

"Alright, that's fine. And I love you too."

Jisoo heads into the bathroom to change, and Jennie changes in the middle of the room. A moments later, they're standing together in front of the sink, applying their makeup.

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