I Expect to be Called Unnie-6

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Jisoo's been working as Jennie's secretary for about two weeks now, and every morning, she picks Jisoo up at her apartment, and they go out to get coffee. Jennie really enjoys spending time with Jisoo, and she's more than willing to go out of her way to do anything for her. Everyday, Jennie goes down to the cafeteria ignoring all the stares coming from her employees as she sits down to eat with Jisoo.

"Why do you always sit with me on our lunch break?" Jisoo asks.

"So you have some company."

"But don't you have more important things to do?"

"No, not really." Jennie shrugs.

"But still, the food here is really bad. I'm sure you could get much better food somewhere else if you wanted to, so why do you eat this cafeteria food?"

"I just don't want you to be alone." Jennie says, tensing up.

Jisoo decides to stop asking Jennie questions and goes back to eating her lunch that Jennie insisted on paying for. Now that Jisoo thought about it, she realized that Jennie's been extremely nice and helpful to ever since she came to start working here. And she's so thankful that Jennie cares so much about her employees. Jisoo watches as Jennie sits across from her, eating her tteokbokki and scrunching up her face whenever the spice kicks in. She thinks it's the funniest thing ever, and quickly looks down giggling when Jennie looks back up from her food.

"What? Do I have food on my mouth?" Jennie asks.

"No, it's funny when you scrunch your face up because of the spice."

Jennie quickly looks away smiling while Jisoo just cracks up in her chair, about to fall out of it.

"It's not my fault I can't handle spicy foods well!"

"It is your fault Nini!" Jisoo giggles.

Jennie just gets up from her seat smiling as she collects her and Jisoo's trash and throws it in the trash bin. While she and Jisoo are walking back to Jennie's office, Jisoo keeps laughing about Jennie's facial expressions and how she regrets not taking pictures. All Jennie does is admire Jisoo who's smiling brightly, and Jennie can't help but smile as well.


On the drive home Jisoo looks over at Jennie who has her eyes fixated on the road and smiles. Jisoo doesn't really know what's going on, but she knows that whenever she spends time with Jennie, she's really happy, and she's excited to see where this friendship takes them.

"Do you wanna go grab dinner?" Jennie asks Jisoo


"I dunno, you can choose."

"Chicken!!!" Jisoo practically screams.

Jennie looks over to see Jisoo bouncing in her seat like an excited toddler who just heard they were going to Lotte World.

"Do you really love chicken that much?" Jennie laughs.

"Oh I'm pretty sure I won't love anything as much as I love chicken."

"Not even Jinyoung?"

"Oh no, he's not even close to chicken." Jisoo giggles.

Once they get to the 'Fruit Chicken' restaurant, they put in their orders, and like always, Jennie pays. Although Jisoo did try to pay for at least her share of the chicken, Jennie wouldn't let her, so she just pouted in defeat. Jennie brought their chicken over to a booth and Jisoo happily ate most of it while Jennie mainly laughed at how happy Jisoo was with her chicken.

"Nini, eat more, you're so skinny."

Jisoo's voice shakes Jennie out of her trance and she starts eating, saving the melon flavor for Jisoo because she noticed that was the flavor Jisoo liked the best. But little does she know, Jisoo's eating the melon flavor because she thinks Jennie likes the banana flavor the best. Once they're done, they clean up their booth and head out.

"Thanks for dinner Nini." Jisoo says.

"My pleasure."

"How old are you?" Jisoo asks, as Jennie holds the car door open for her.


"I need to know if I call you Unnie or not."

"I never told you how old I was?"

Jisoo just shakes her head no.

"Well... you're going to have to find out by yourself." Jennie says, before closing the door and walking over to the other side of the car.

"But Nini," Jisoo complains giving Jennie puppy dog eyes.

"I'm not going to tell you."

"Oh my god, are you like 50 years old?!?"

Jennie didn't want to tell Jisoo that she was a year younger because she knew with Jisoo, she'd never hear the end of it.

"Do I look 50 years old?!?"


Jennie playfully slaps Jisoo's arm and Jisoo just laughs at Jennie's flustered expression.

"You're a year younger than me!" Jisoo finally exclaims after a while.

"What? How do you know?"

"Jennie, you may be humble, but I hope you're aware that you're one of the biggest names in business out there right now. All I had to do was search up your name and a full blown Wikipedia page popped up. I expect to be called Unnie from now on."

Jennie just shakes her head smiling before saying "Unnie!" in her best aegyo voice.

"Yes, dongsaeng?"

"Don't call me that." Jennie pouts.

"Alright, dongsaeng."

"I'm your boss, you shouldn't be talking so informally to me."

"You're also my dongsaeng."


"Alright, alright." Jisoo says, throwing her hands up in fake surrender.

They talk and laugh for the rest of the drive until they get to Jisoo's apartment. Jennie got out to open Jisoo's car door and walked her up to her building.

"Thanks again for dinner." Jisoo says, walking into the lobby of her building.

"It was nothing. See you tomorrow Unnie!"

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