Milk Ice Cream-29

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The next morning, Jennie wakes up at around 10:00, after a fitful night of sleep. Although she didn't sleep very well, it was still better than the sleep she had been receiving before. She gets ready quickly, grabbing an apple on her way out and takes the subway to Jisoo's apartment.

"Hi Jendeukie." Jisoo smiles as she opens the door.

"I missed you." Jennie says, hugging Jisoo tightly.

"I missed you too, how'd you sleep?"

"Better. What about you?"

"It was okay, I'm still kinda tired though."

"Do you wanna stay in instead of going out today?"

Jisoo nods her head, resulting in a giant smile from Jennie. "You're cute when you're sleepy." Jennie says, lightly kissing the tip of Jisoo's nose.

"Wanna nap together?" Jisoo suggests hopefully.

"I thought you'd never ask."

Jennie flops onto the couch pulling Jisoo with her, causing Jisoo to fall on top of her in a fit of giggles. She wraps her arms tightly around Jennie's waist, and buries her face into Jennie's neck, feeling Jennie's chest rise and fall, as she breathes steadily. Jennie wraps her arms around Jisoo's shoulders, hugging her tightly and keeping her as close as possible. Soon, Jennie can feel Jisoo start to drift off, and follows suit once she's sure Jisoo is entirely asleep.


Jisoo slowly opens her eyes, and breathes in Jennie's scent, smiling at the amount of comfort it brings her. She lifts her head to see Jennie's sleeping face, which has the sunlight from the window gleaming over it, making Jennie look even more goddess-like.

"Jendeukie." Jisoo coos, planting soft kisses all over Jennie's face.


"Do you wanna go eat?"



"I dunno, you can choose." Jennie says, slowly opening her eyes.

"What about if we just walk around and see what we can find?"

"Whatever you say, my love."

The two walk out onto the streets of Seoul, and stop at a street market.

"What are you gonna get?" Jennie asks.

"Probably chicken skewers."

"Let's look for the chicken skewers first then."

They walk around the market for a good 15 minutes, and still no chicken skewers. Although, they have found almost every other street food from sannakji to hotteok. But no chicken skewers.

"Jisoo, I don't think they have any." Jennie says as they walk around the market for the 5th time.

"One more time. Please?"

Jennie smiles and nods her head, entwining her fingers with Jisoo's. After they walk around the market for a final time, Jisoo finally gives up.

"I guess they don't have any chicken skewers." Jisoo frowns.

"Aw, it's okay. We'll find you something else to eat.

"What do you wanna eat?"

"I'm thinking of just getting japchae, and then we could get ice cream on the way back to your place. How does that sound?"

"Ice cream?"

"Yeah, ice cream." Jennie chuckles.

"Let's go!" Jisoo says happily.

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