What Is There To Explain?-21

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Jisoo wakes up the next morning in a sleeping Jennie's embrace and decides not to wake her. Instead, she slides out of bed and gets ready for the day. After she's gotten ready, she opens her phone to check her emails and messages, but one catches her eye.

-1 incoming message from Sana-

Sana: Jisoo, you need to read this article, I don't know how much of it is true, but I don't want you getting hurt, alright? I think it's better for you to just break it off now. If you ever need someone, I'll be here.

Well that's weird. Jisoo clicks on the link anyways.

'YG CEO Jennie Kim and SM Model Irene Spotted Kissing at Executives Dinner.'

Jisoo's heart immediately sinks. Somehow she manages to read the article anyways.

'Last night, all of Korea's entertainment companies had their yearly executives dinner, bringing together friends, business partners, and one of our most beloved couples. Jennie Kim and Bae "Irene" Joohyun. The two had announced their split about seven months ago, but last night, some photographers captured pictures of Irene and Jennie standing outside the hotel alone, where they proceeded to share a small kiss. What does this mean for the young and powerful couple? We're all hoping that they're together again!'

"Jisoo? What are you doing? It's early and we don't have work today." Jennie asks, rubbing her eyes. "Jisoo? Jisoo my love, please turn and face me."

Jisoo slowly turns around, revealing her red nose and puffy eyes.  Despite it being very early in the morning, Jisoo's found a reason to cry, and Jisoo never cries.

"What's wrong?" Jennie asks, her voice lined with worry.

Jisoo slowly hands Jennie her phone, getting off the bed to start packing up her bag.

"Jisoo, what are you doing? Just let me at least explain first!"

"What is there to explain?  The picture says it all.  You couldn't even have the decency to tell me?! When I asked you about the dinner last night, you didn't even mention once that you had kissed that girl. Do you know how much it hurts, to find out through a damn picture on the internet, that the one person who you trust fully, goes behind your back kissing other girls, and then doesn't even have the decency to tell you? What am I to you? Just some sort of, rest stop before you can find some sort of rich model to date?! I would've been better off if you had just told me. But the fact that you decided to hide it from me, your own girlfriend, hurts so much more. You were right Jennie. We were being crazy. But it was because I'm just some broke girl trying to make a living while you're this rich CEO who has the ability to get everyone and everything that she wants. I can't do this, we're just too different, and I don't want to be in a relationship where we feel like we have to hide things from each other. Let's just save ourselves the trouble and break up now."

"Jisoo, I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to tell you because I thought that if I did, you wouldn't believe me or something, and that you'd think that I cheated on you, or that I kissed her. Please stay with me."

"I'm gonna go home."

"At least let me drive you home."

"No, I'll take the subway."

"I don't want you taking the subway."

"I don't care anymore. I'll take the subway. I don't want to see you anymore Jennie, goodbye."

Jisoo hikes her bag onto her shoulder before walking out of Jennie's bedroom.

"Jisoo!" Jennie shouts from the top of the stairs.

"What?!" Jisoo retorts angrily.

"Your phone."

"Um, oh, ah, yeah."

Jisoo walks back up the stairs, snatching her phone out of Jennie's hand before walking into the elevator. Jennie stands at the top of the stairs, knowing that she has no chance arguing with Jisoo, and that she's screwed up big time. But she doesn't want to let everything go over one stupid kiss.  She watches as the doors close on Jisoo, and Jisoo rides the elevator to the ground floor, leaving Jennie in her penthouse, lonelier than she's ever been before.


A/N: Oops.

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