She's the One-13

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2 ½ weeks later, Jennie and Jisoo finally head to work again. Although Jennie and Jisoo both don't really know what they are, Jisoo wants to keep whatever they have going on secret, because she's still closeted. Jennie wants to scream to the world that Jisoo is hers, and that nobody can have her, but she respects Jisoo's decision and figures that it must be hard for her. Jisoo's also going home today, and Jennie will admit she's a bit disappointed. She's really going to miss waking up holding Jisoo, and seeing Jisoo in her home. But what she doesn't know is that Jisoo's a little reluctant to go back home as well. It's only been about a couple weeks since the incident and Jisoo isn't really sure if she can go back to where it all happened, but she also really wants to get out of Jennie's hair and feels bad about making Jennie sleep with her every night. When they get up to Jennie's office, Jisoo sits at her desk and Jennie walks into her office. Soon after, Lisa walks in.

"Alright Unnie, time for you to explain." Lisa says, sitting on the other side of Jennie's desk so that they're facing each other.

"Explain what?" Jennie asks innocently.

"You know what I'm talking about. Why haven't you been at work for the past like, two weeks?"

"I just, got busy."

"Yeah, with what?"

"Stuff." Jennie shrugs.

"Jennie, you better start telling me or else I'm going to tell everyone that embarrassing story from high school." Lisa says, pointing her finger in Jennie's face.

"Okay, fine, fine! I was taking care of Jisoo. She called me one night and when I picked it up, all she said was 'help' so I thought 'well that's not good' and went over to her house and when I got there, she was just sitting in a pool of blood and passed out so I took her to the hospital and they said she had a concussion and someone needed to take care of her so I took her to my place and that's where I've been for the last 2 ½ weeks." Jennie breathes out.

"Alright, calm down. I'm glad you're both okay. But it must've been weird living with Jisoo, right? I mean, cause you like her and everything, and she's well, straight."

Jennie can't tell Lisa because she wants to respect Jisoo's wishes so she just nods her head.

"Yeah, I mean I have a guest bedroom though so I guess it wasn't too bad. And I enjoyed her company.

"I'm worried about you Unnie. I don't want you getting hung up on another straight girl again. Remember the last time that happened with Jihyo and I had to drag you out of your room? Just, don't get too attached alright?"

"Yeah, I know. So how's Chaeyoung doing in Australia? Have you talked to her?"

"Oh, yeah! Actually we talk every day. And she said that she's gonna be able to come back here in a month so we're planning to meet up when she gets back." Lisa smiles.

"Does she need a job?" Jennie asks.

"Yeah." Lisa smiles sheepishly.

"You want me to offer her a job don't you."


"Well what do you think she could do. She's only ever been a secretary."

"Okay, Unnie, you have to promise me that you won't tell anyone this, alright? She doesn't like people knowing."

Jennie nods her head.

"Chaeyoung is an amazing singer. One time we were on a skype call together, and she had a guitar propped up in the corner of her room so I asked her if she could play and oh my god, that woman has the voice of an angel I'm in love with her."

"What? You're in love with her?"

Lisa's eyes widen.

"Aww Lisa's in love!" Jennie says, jumping up and clapping her hands.

"Shut up you're so annoying." Lisa grumbles.

"She's in love, she's in love, see her blush, see her grin, got to be love she's in!" Jennie sings.

Lisa sinks into her chair, trying not to strangle Jennie as she prances around her office singing about how Lisa is in love with Chaeyoung. But Lisa smiles at the thought of Chaeyoung, and how she always gets embarrassed after saying something weird, but Lisa finds it endearing.

"She's the one." Lisa says, smiling.

This just makes Jennie even happier.

"Oh my god, you two are gonna get married, and adopt children, and live happily ever after."

"Yeah, yeah, whatever you say." Lisa says, walking out of Jennie's office.

"Hey Jisoo." Lisa says, passing her desk.

"Lisa, wait!"


"Uh, so, this might sound really weird, but do you know what Jennie likes? I want to get her a present."

"She likes being cared for."

"That's not exactly a present."

"I know, but just keep that in mind." Lisa winks before walking away.

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