I'm Sorry-27

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Lisa and Chae walk into work the next day, trying to drag a very stubborn Jennie in with them.

"Jennie, you have a job to do. All of your employees are staring." Lisa says through gritted teeth.

"What's the point, she's not even going to be here today." Jennie groans.

"The point is that you have a company to run." Chae whines, dragging Jennie out of the elevator. "Right now, this company is your number one priority. Not Jisoo, not your relationship with her, this company."

Lisa and Chaeyoung practically throw Jennie into her office chair, and lock the door on their way out.

"Are we going to have to do that every morning?" Lisa grumbles.

"Until she gets over it."

The ding of the elevator breaks the two girls out of their conversation, and the one and only G-Dragon steps into sight.

"L-Lisa," Chaeyoung stutters, nudging Lisa's shoulder.


"That's G-Dragon."

"Yeah, I know."

"Why- how is he here?"

"I called him. Hi Mr. Jiyong." Lisa smiles.

"Hi Lisa. How many times have I told you to stop calling me that?" Jiyong chuckles.

"This is Chaeyoung. She's a recording artist here." Lisa says proudly, pushing Chae in front of her.

"Ah, yes, I heard your demos when I checked up on Hanbin. This company is very lucky to have someone as talented as you."

"T-thanks, it means a lot." Chaeyoung says shyly.

"So, Lisa, why did you call me here?"

"I need you to talk some sense into your daughter. She hasn't been herself lately."

"I'll see what I can do. She's always been a stubborn one." Jiyong chuckles.

"Thanks sir, I'll see you around!" Lisa smiles, waving

"How did you get G-Dragon to come here?!" Chaeyoung asks, once he's out of sight.

"Don't you know? He's Jennie's dad."

"Jennie's dad is G-Dragon?!?"

"How do you think Jennie got this company." Lisa chuckles.

"I can't believe it."

"Well, if I'm being entirely honest, he wasn't a very good dad when we were growing up. Jennie would always have to come here after school and sit around with some random person while her dad was working. She'd stay here for hours on end, and when she finally could go home it'd already be like, 10:00 pm."

"How do you know this?"

"I used to sleep over at her place every weekend. So, I'd tag along with her every friday, and that was our routine."

"Wow. What happened to her mom?"

Lisa hesitates for a moment.

"Car accident. Only Jennie and her dad survived."

"So Jennie really had no parental figure growing up, huh?"

"Pretty much. She comes off as cold when you first meet her, but once you get to know her, you find that she just wants to be taken care of. Probably because she lacked it growing up."

"Jennie's been through so much, and she's already a CEO at 22. Crazy."

"Yeah, it really is."

"Is she the reason you have a job here?"

"Of course. I don't think anyone else would've hired me as their choreographer." Lisa laughs.

"If I had an entertainment company I'd hire you. You're too talented to ever let go."

"Why thank you, it means a lot coming from someone as talented as yourself." Lisa smiles, leaving a small peck on Chaeyoung's nose.

"I love you."

"I love you more."

"I don't think that's possible."


"Unnie, it's time to go home." Lisa yells, knocking on Jennie's office door.

"Are we gonna get dinner after this?" Chaeyoung asks Lisa.

"Sure, what do you want to ge-"

Lisa's cut off by the elevator door opening, revealing a very tired Jisoo. Jisoo's standing in oversized sweats of her own, and also looks like she hasn't slept in ages, yet unlike Jennie, she's managed to keep her weight the same.

"Jisoo Unnie!" Chaeyoung squeals, running over to engulf Jisoo in a hug, crying into her shoulder.

"Chae, don't cry." Jisoo chuckles.

"Yo, yo, yo, wassup man? Wassup?" Lisa chuckles before pulling Jisoo into a hug as well.

"Hey bro, wassup?" Jisoo giggles.

"So you finally came."

"Yeah, I mean, eventually I'd have to, right? I just figured it'd be best if I got it over with now, right after I've finally organized my thoughts."

"We missed you Unnie, don't ever leave us again!"

"I missed you guys too."

"We were gonna go grab dinner, you wanna tag along?"

"Uh, no thanks, I think I'm gonna talk to Jennie."

"Alright, come on Chaeyoung." Lisa smiles, pulling on Chaeyoung's hand.

Jisoo slowly walks up to Jennie's office door, contemplating on whether she should even be here in the first place. Finally, she knocks twice on the door, patiently waiting for a response, but none comes. So she knocks again.

"Hey." Jisoo breathes out when Jennie opens the door.

"You came."

"Yeah. I missed you."

"I'm sorry."

"No, don't be. But, we need to talk. Do you wanna come to my place?"

"Y-yeah, that'd be nice."

"Chaeyoung and Lisa already left."

"I figured. How have you been?"

"Not great. How about you?" Jisoo responds awkwardly.

"I'm tired."

"You look like you haven't slept very well."

"Gee, thanks."

"Let's go, shall we?"

Jennie quickly follows Jisoo, and when they're in the elevator, Jennie can feel Jisoo's scent taking over her whole body, engulfing her in a sense of security, and home. She takes Jisoo's hand in her own, trying to keep her by her side for as long as possible.

"Is this okay?" Jennie asks.

Jisoo smiles and nods at Jennie. "I missed this."

"Yeah, me too."


A/N: Thank you for 400 votes!!!

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