『 Day Two: Beating 』

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"I think he's got some lingering feelings." Namjoon said following a chuckle afterwards.

He's not joking is he? Usually he jokes and teases me about these certain things becoming the reason why I want actual love from another in the first place. Brotherly love doesn't really fill in the gap as we're just friends and we get along like brothers. Romantic feelings for Namjoon just doesn't feel right as he's been helping me through hard times almost 24/7. No feelings for each other has happened like any typical cliché moments of life or drama in general because we just happened to have a brotherly bond instead. Apparently he knew that Seokjin has "feelings" for me in some ways which I feel a little left out as why he kept such info from me in high school.

Then again I didn't really want to interact much with others but Namjoom at the time of years there. Being the curious one here I began to start throwing random questions to Namjoon and of course it takes him aback.

"Was he taller than me at first?"

"He didn't say bad stuff about me, right?"

"Did he date a lot of guys in school-- No. Does he date guys?"

"Was my hair funny?"

"Did I smell funny?"

"I didn't scare him away because of me being alone 24/7, right?"

"Hyung, does he see me as a child?"

"I'm muscular enough, right?"

Gave my muscles a quick check and nodded as Namjoon face palmed.

"He doesn't think of me as a play boy, right?"

"I did date a lot and fucked a lot.. But I thought that was just how dating worked.."

"Hyung, give me advice?"

Namjoon groaned for the 10th time as his hand slowly slid from his face down to his chin and dropping down to the floor as he gave an annoyed glare.


"You asled too many questions.I don't understand most of them when you know half of all those answers. Why are woreied about your appearance all of a sudden anyway? You got to bang a lot of people so I'm pretty sure you're not bad looking. Obviously. Kook, look,"

Namjoon says as he rubbed his temples "you shouldn't worry over such things, and I believe he still haves feelings for you. Maybe he's wavering-- I'm not sure. One thing for sure is that he was red as a tomato qhen you hugged him and that settles things. Question is: Do you like him?"

There had to be a lot of thinking to it as to first:

Why did I all of a sudden felt happy that someone liked me? It's not new I've had past relationships.


How come they're just bringing something up from high school? His feelings are probably long gone. Poof. Vanished.


I barely noticed the guy, so why would I suddenly just have a connection to him with googly eyes for him? I should get to know him more if I really want to be in a relationship with him.


"What egg head?"

"Yah! Respect your hyung..! I'm just waiting for your answer. Aish.."

"I'm not sure how I feel.. Sure, I remember him from school. Thing is I don't know him very well to have feelings like that for him.. When we hugged--"

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