『 Day Nine: The Day 』

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Jimin woke up feeling a headache in his throbbing flesh through out sitting up from his sleep. He found himself looking around the familiar room immediatly assuming Seokjin's room. He got up to the bathroom door across the bed as he remembered painfully. Remembering the times he playfully chased his boyfriend during the middle of a shower because Seokjin would tease him from behind the door. The moment he opens the door he sees all the bathroom accessories still neatly put into place and not messy as usual. He could only chuckle past the memories embroided into this place and just continue his business "By this time Seokjin would have said 'Are you peeing sweety~?' Ha.. Always asking such embarrassing questions.." Jimin flushed the toilet after zipping up afterwards washing his hands due to habit he looks up to the mirror before him and for a second sees Seokjin next to him startling him realizing his mind missing the presence of the other causing him to outline the male to be near him. Jimin couldn't take it anymore and ran out the restrooms despite his dripping wet hands from washing. He bolts out the room and lies down on the couch in the living room, just counting what ifs over and over and becoming an endless loop that forever haunts him: Seokjin is not his anymore.
"Jim! Hurry up and come down here in the kitchen! I made food!" Jimin cringes as he realized that he left his own care into the hands of this clumsy disastrous man. Hopefully he'll come back out alive at least.

"So. how's getting over Seokjin coming up?" Jimin sighs and stabs at his food harshly. "I want to blame everyone for living. Except Seokjin. He's an angel." Namjoon sighed and took a bite of his half burnt pancake "And he made you the devil." Jimin scrunches his nose in annoyance and wafts his arm in the air as if to hit the elder then holds back, two times more of annoyance. Namjoon scoffed "Is this how you are really going to act?" The younger swept his jet black hair back as his hair curves on his forehead against his temples "If only I didn't fuck up so badly...Damn it. I'm sorry Seokjin"

"That was a dick move for you to do." Namjoon fired again with another bite of his pancake.

"Yah, if you want to say something, say it with an empty mouth, damn it!" Namjoon smiled and swallowed his food "That. Was. A. Dick Move. For. You. To. DO." Jimin scoffed "Wow, I've never felt so betrayed."

"How do you think Seokjin felt?"

"Damn it, Joon." The two had a squabbling breakfast, but no food was harmed in the entire time of the argument.

Jungkook woke up to a phone call, disturbing his fantasizing dreams of Seokjin. Putting that aside he picked up his phone to hear a familiar voice. "Father? How is the hospital letting you call?" The old man chuckled over the line "I had to do some begging honestly..How are you and Seokjin?" Jungkook's heart pounded happily at the fact of his father asking about his boyfriend as if he is accepting him. Approved of him. "He's fine, slept the night with me last night. Don't worry we didn't stay up without a blink of sleep." Jungkook and Seokjin had stayed up a bit past 12 when they argued back and forth

"No, you should sleep first then I will sleep after you."

"No! I want you to wait for me in our dreams first.." Jungkook whined.

Seokjin pouted and kissed Jungkook's lips "Fine, I will wait for you in my dreams then, prince Jungkook" Seokjin joked, earning a pat on the head from the older. Jungkook snuggled Seokjin and the two eventually falling asleep.

"Hey, Dad?"


Jungkook felt his mouth and throat go dry after asking the question in his head, but had the guts to say it aloud. "Will you gain your memories soon?" It went dead silent after asking the question. Soon, he replied with a: "I will get my memories back, my son. Your father will be there to hug you with open arms. Along with Seokjin as well. I hope he becomes my son in law" The elder laughed over the line, while on the other, Jungkook smiles happily with tears sneaking down his cheeks. "Alright, recover soon then, Dad." The call ended and Jungkook hesitantly put his phone back onto the small side table. Seokjin woke up on time and notice his boyfriend awake on the side of the bed and his back profile seemed to be shining flawlessly before him, but it seemed like a stump. He sat up covering his chest and hugged the older from behind, landing his chin on his shoulder "What's wrong, Kook?" Seokjin kissed Jungkook's cheek hoping to comfort him even the slightest. "Just happy." He turned to Seokjin, wrapping his hands around Seokjin's face and began to shower his face with kisses, making the younger giggle with delight. "Right now, I want some good food. Afterwards can we get ice cream too?" Seokjin nodded to everything and hugged his hubby and began to kiss him softly. Jungkook took Seokjin's arms and wrapped them around his neck as he wrapped his around the other's waist. "Actually, I think I will just have you for breakfast today.." Seokjin's cheeks become red of shyness. Giving permission for Jungkook to taint him the whole morning.

It's the mid afternoon. Namjoon and Jimin finished planning the trip to a beach in Busan and get ready to tell the others, yet Jimin is still not ready to face Seokjin nor the fact he doubts Seokjin would feel the opposite way when he sees the other. "Jimin, you call Seokjin. I will call the other guys. I'm helping you get over him by facing him. Act like you don't chase after him anymore." Namjoon began to dial Yoongi's number as the number begin to ring already, setting the phone close to his ear and begins his 3 minute conversation with the elder. On the other hand, Jimin stared at Seokjin's ID photo. The two were together and smiling looking up to the camera in their matching outfits. Hesitation screamed out to him to not call the other, but the other that wants to is his lingering love for him. His thumb slid over their picture, but it seemed he pressed on the call button as it began to ring. It kept ringing. Ringing... Still ringing...It felt like it was ringing for an hour as Jimin only stared at the seconds that passed ever so slowly. Then it picked up. Heavy breaths were heard over the line "Jungkook! don..t.." What sounded like Seokjin's voice only died out slowly at the end of the rejecting words. Jimin felt tears enter his tear ducts till another voice was heard. "Hello? Sorry, Seokjin is occupied at the moment, please call later." Then the call had ended, and so did Jimin's sliver of hope.


Hnmmm I feel so bad torturing Jimin here, little mochi just can't seem to keep his man. But hey, consequences are served and I hope everyone knows that. There's. Always. Consequences. When ya cheat. Can't get em back. Unless you somehow make up and get back together-- NO he or she has realize what they've done. ·u·
I'm not evil, I swear :¬}

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