[Day Fourteen: What's Real?]

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Seokjin woke up to an empty bed. The cold soaked into the sheets that wraps around the younger's bed, ironically not helping him keep warm due to the big window that sits on his wall next to his bed. His cheeks damp of tears that had seeped from his lids. Sitting up as his body ached from the mental scars. His eyes wandered and searched for a familiar body, only to notice its nowhere to be noticed.
He rubbed his swollen red eyes as the thought of his lover flooded his mind, his eyes could break like a dam broken down, the tears fell down with a struggle of holding them back.

"Jungkook...." his heart ached

"Jungkook...!" Seokjin sobbed into his palms as he slowly fell back onto his side that is soon engulfed by the gentle cold mattress. Constantly feeling abandoned as time passes by, he gripped to the sheets in hope Jungkook will be near him. A sudden warmth of a hand hovers over his cheek, caressing him ever so gently, the feeling that wrenches his heart. Opening his eyes, he comes to eye contact with Jimin. He didn't have time to have personal burdens and set them aside as he was too mentally tired to deal with this. "Seokjin.. it's been almost a year.. do you wanna visit his grave together...?"

Together...? A year..? Grave...?

Seokjin shook his head. "I'm sleeping in..." Jimin gently sets Seokjin's hair aside from his forehead and behind his ears. He bitterly smiled and stood up "If you're ever ready, Namjoon and I will wait for you outside in the living room." As Seokjin closed his eyes, the sound of a faint click of a door was heard and soft white sounds could be heard. "I love you... I love love love yo-" Seokjin choked on his sob trapped in his throat. He spent hours crying his heart out till he felt done crying it all out. He forced himself to get ready, and as he did so, he pinched himself here and there to "wake up". It wasn't working so he assumed this is his reality now.

He meets up with the other two along with friends of Jungkook. They all comforted Seokjin with pitied words and sympathy. He didn't feel safe, nor did he feel relaxed. His body weight heavy of burden of emotions that weigh him down. They exit the small house one by one, Seokjin being second to last and Namjoon the final one leaving.  Everything is surreal. This world unravels before Seokjin, but he feels his mind is numb of everything as if within a dream. The saddening soft ripples that reflect off from the drizzling skies, gentle pats against his cheeks that were damp of salty drips. The bitter taste of the tears that were dominated of the rain. He looks up at the cloudy skies as they made their ways to the land of the sleeping others.

It feels like a dream within my death. I can't wake up from this, can I? Jungkook.. am I dead? Or are you dead? Am I the one alive? Or did the spirits really put us in an alternative universe? Ah.. I can't act like the victim since I put you through this... I'm sorry, Jungkook.

The others along with Seokjin arrived at a grave site. Step by step, approaching a familiar route to their precious friend's tomb. The fact that their whereabouts of Jungkook's grave place is, turned Seokjin's stomach. The feeling how he was the one Jungkook should've visited, he ended up being the one to visit Jungkook's, sleeping under the Earth's arms. Giving their respects, staying around to speak their small speeches. One by one, friends left, leaving behind a trail of tears. All left was Namjoon and Seokjin once more.

The two remained silent as Namjoon silently watched over Seokjin emotionally. The younger's heart ached as his eyes dully stared at the tomb that he still feels bothered by the fact it actually exists. This shouldn't be here for you...this should be me right now... Jungkook.

He doubts his existence once more, self doubting that he shouldn't have asked to be revived. Then the sudden quotes came for a reasonable response to his self doubts:
We can't always ask for things and assume it will be kept in certain ways.

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