[Day Fifteen: The End Approaches]

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The skies seem decent as usual: Sunny, warm temperature and everything seems in order. Ever since everything seemed to have gone to 'normal' it's been calming, cuddling constantly weekends and weekdays for the couple, as if nothing had happen at all towards them. One night, suddenly Seokjin couldn't stop thinking of the spirit that had saved him, that had pulled him out of his miserable state for replacing Jungkook's life with his. The weak illuminated figure constantly haunts his sleep every night, always having to cuddle into Jungkook's chest just to keep himself assured and safe.

"You got another nightmare..?" Jungkook asks as his voice was wrapped of concern. Seokjin sniffled lightly as he wiped his tired eyes and kept his glances towards Jungkook, repeated confirmations that he isn't dreaming and had been dragged back to the previous alternate universes.

"Yea.. It was another nightmare..but I should be okay when you're here" Seokjin caresses Jungkook's cheek as he stared lovingly into the other's eyes, smiling to himself that sparkle reflected in Jungkook's eyes is just the perfect reminder of his healthily-living being. "My poor baby Jinnie" Jungkook cooed as he scoops Seokjin in his arms and showered his head of kisses, causing Seokjin to burst in giggles. Jungkook held Seokjin on top of him as the younger other laid his head against Jungkook's chest, the warmth from his body engulfed the younger's body that connected to Jungkook's. Jungkook began to play with Seokjin's hair as he knew that method would help the younger feel at ease and smooth out his tension in his head. Seokjin hummed of relaxation as his anxiety begin to cease to exist for the moment.

"Jungkook, I want a kiss." Seokjin looked up at the other as he tries to keep his lids open due to the sleepiness sneaking up on him from the dull tingles of his hair being brushed by Jungkook's fingers.

"You want a kiss?" Jungkook then sat up, sitting Seokjin in his lap, holding him in a princess carry manner. "I will give you more than just a 'kiss', you know?" The two smiled at each other as their lips connected, slowly melting into the kiss as time passed. For what was meant to be small innocent butterfly kisses, it transitioned to Seokjin gently laid into bed, pinned under Jungkook as the two proceeded their deep session. Small breaks in between gasps as they deepened their tension of loving heat that filled the bedroom.

"Seokjin.." Jungkook panted lightly as his hooded eyes stared into Seokjin's hooded ones. "I love you.. Always know– I'm never leaving you. Even if you push me away, I'm not letting you go." Seokjin slowly smiled lightly as he catches his breath. "You will stay by my side forever..?"

"Forever. Always by your side." Seokjin giggled quietly of relief as Jungkook caught Seokjin's lips with his and deepened their affectionate kiss.


At this point, Jungkook was ready to strip Seokjin of his clothes that covered his whole body. "What is it?" Seokjin softly whispered as he felt his cheeks redden from the heavy atmosphere. "I'm gonna show you love all night~" Jungkook teased at Seokjin as the younger grew embarrassed and playfully hit at his shoulders. "Yah, don't say that when you're on me like this." Jungkook chuckled and began to strip the other, causing him to feel flustered. "Seokjin, I haven't seen you naked in so long. I missed it. We would hug each other in bed naked. We should do that tonight after I express all my love to you." Seokjin then felt shy as Jungkook wrapped Seokjin's legs around Jungkook's waist, picking the younger gently from his back and embracing him closely. Seokjin could feel the bulge fabric of Jungkook's pants rub against his bare bottom. Gulping back the stuck saliva in his throat.

"I'll go easy, Jinnie. So relax." Seokjin gasped as he felt Jungkook twirled his finger about until they entered, slow motions of sliding them in and out just to go easy on his lover. Jungkook gave small gentle kisses on Seokjin's neck as he continued to prep the younger. Seokjin squirmed lightly under Jungkook as he felt small, soft moans escaped his throat from the pressure against his body as it's been a while. At least for Seokjin from the whole hopping into different alternate dimensions.

Jungkook felt Seokjin's tense muscles and lowered himself once more to Seokjin's level and grabbed at his lips with his own.
The two melted into each other's kisses once more as Seokjin's moans were muffled in his throat. Jungkook then finished prepping Seokjin and slowly began to enter the younger.

"If it hurts, let me know?" Seokjin barely nodded through his thoughts as they were flooded from the slow entrance and felt himself tightened. "A–Ahh~" Seokjin huffed out through hitched breaths. Jungkook stared into Seokjin's eyes as he watched the younger struggled "Relax, Jinnie" He softly groaned as he finally entered all of himself into Seokjin. The two with small panting then looked at each other. Eventually giving the signal that it's alright to keep moving. 

Eventually, time had quickly passed as the two were buried in each other's arms, under the covers that poorly covered their nude bodies. Seokjin wasn't much of deep in sleep as his lover. The fear of closing his eyes on Jungkook's presence still lingers about, therefore clinging tightly to his lover more than the usual. The two never separated. Despite being around 24/7, Jungkook actually didn't mind this- In fact, he found it cute. The way Seokjin clings to his arms, the way the younger male clings to his very being everywhere. Making him feel safely assume his lover is alright and by his side at all times. There were days Seokjin had to stay at their place to keep watch and that Jungkook could earn money at work. Home alone was the fire to the fuel of Seokjin's dilemma: Constantly asking for calls from Jungkook, waiting inside the restaurant past midnight during Jungkook's closing times. Other times, when he can't stand being alone, he invites his friend Namjoon to keep him company at the least, but still, his mind couldn't stop thinking about his lover. 

"Don't you think you're a bit too clingy, Jin?"

Namjoon perked out the question as he swiftly turned to look at Seokjin to his left, the two hanging out a gaming cafe, fighting against each other on a racing game. Seokjin's index finger fidgeted in circles onto the soft-rubber of the scroll on the mouse, pouting out his lips as the thought has occurred to him everyday every time he sets in his cling-ness. "Am I really that clingy? Do you think Kook hates it?" Namjoon shook his head and typed away at the keyboard as he does research for something in mind while trying to give advice to the other, taking small glimpses at the other to see if he was paying any attention to his words. "It doesn't seem to bother Jungkook, but maybe you should practice something about your anxiety. Otherwise, if you depend on these small relieves after a quick peek at Jungkook, how do you expect yourself to get better, or even worse: How do you expect yourself to trust in the relationship?"

Seokjin hummed in a weak frustrated tune. Leaning back into the chair as his eyes wandered all over his screen that's been on the games' title screen ever since he won a first rounds against Namjoon. "I'm aware of it all, but it's hard to be aware of the limits I can do for him. Like, it's hard to not satisfy myself when I can't see him. These nightmares I have keep haunting me, reminding me of the spot I was in before..I'm- just really scared, Joonie." Namjoon sighed quietly to himself and looked over at Seokjin midway into typing, which came to a halt. He then sets his hand on Seokjin's balled up knuckles, gently patting at the younger's gently-laid fist. Seokjin then received a call from Jungkook and made no waste of time to answer his lovers' call. "Jungkook!" Seokjin gleamed and with immediate response, his smile quickly faded. An unfamiliar voice that followed through the line, giving a grim reminder of what reality could do to increase his anxiety no matter how satisfy he is with just one short answer from his lover. 

"Seokjin..? Jungkook had collapsed and was sent to the hospital just now. I called you so that you can come and be by his side. Be quick, he didn't look too well." the call had ended.

Once...again...he had been hurt..once, again.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2019 ⏰

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