『 Day Twelve: Realization 』

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Months passed since Seokjin's accidental death in the operating room. Jungkook stopped visiting his father and stopped going to work. His condition grew worse himself and at this point, Namjoon had to take him in and wake him up. Namjoon isn't holding up well himself, but he knew he had to force himself to do so when Jungkook could collapse from the lack of life in the other. Then again Seokjin's life has dropped, so Jungkook could care less but Namjoon thought the opposite.

Namjoon walked up to the door of the room where Jungkook rests and gently knocked. "Jungkook. Come out here."

Namjoon sat at the living room that seems to have lost its color due to the piling of dust and windows covered of curtains. Kept the same ever since that day.

Jungkook didn't move from the bed. The bed was covered of Seokjin's essence, but was slowly beginning to fade due to Jungkook staying on the bed 24/7 absorbing as much of, Seokjin's scent left behind, as possible. "Even your scent fades from me when you're gone.. I don't want to sleep anymore if I can't have that smell..the only thing that keeps me sane here, Seokjin.." The depressed man hugged ever so desperately to the pillows sitting on the bed along his slumped body. Wishing they could just be Seokjin's body. Jungkook craved for the other's content, sweet, and affectionate existence to be in his arms and no where else. He would want to stay home and just cuddle till their death.

When the world grows to be perfect, eventually there will be that one thing, or person that will hunt you down, find you, and destroy of whatever you grip onto called: life. It feels as if I'm not alive nor dead. Just a timeless dream.

Jungkook felt the dim sun light shine ever so weakly onto his drenched body of depression and weakness, barely giving any heat to him that signifies he's still a living being. Reminding him more that he's somewhere where Seokjin isn't. It's all just a cruel tease to his broken heart. The memories kept in Seokjin's room involved with Jungkook were only of him and the other sleeping in bed, Jungkook crying his eyes out till he passed out with Seokjin in his arms. Now he's crying on the younger's bed, with no Seokjin to hold to when his heart aches and longs for the honey-like personality other. The more he thinks of his lover being nonexistent, the more it pained him. Many attempts come to mind, but his body is too limp to even make an effort in erasing himself of this world.

So shitty this world is.

Jungkook slowly opened his tired, red eyes as he heard Namjoon call for him from the living room once more for nth time. He fought the despondent body and rose from the bed. He felt gravity's existence onto his sluggish self, reminding him once again that he's being held in reality. Exiting the room, the hallway almost seemed unfamiliar which gave him a moment to remember the house he was under and who was caring for him. Jungkook sat at the couch before Namjoon as his eyes stared blankly off in the distance. Namjoon saw the disconsolate other and handed him a cup of hot chocolate.

"Drink this." Namjoon's voice tiredly spoke out as he spent his days, when no one was looking, crying. He had cleaned his face before calling the younger in to the living room, but it is still visible that he had cried with the evidence of his puffy eyes. "You know, you should at least visit Father Jeon." Jungkook sat quietly as he stared down at the cup of steamed fluid chocolate, warming his cold hands. He turned to Namjoon with a silent stare

"Namjoon, do you think Seokjin is watching us right now?" Namjoon's eyes stared at the younger's sullen face. He then traced his eyes to the dull coffee table and exhaled a tired sigh. "If he were then what can we do about that? He can hug us, but we can't hug back. He must be feeling lonely for that reason." Namjoon looked up at the ceiling, his eyes burning from the fresh new tears forming.

"Let's go for a walk, okay?" Jungkook huffed weakly. "I hate walks." Namjoom recalled that Jungkook was going for a walk with Seokjin before he passed. After debating to go for a while, the two finally got dressed to head out. It was a bit chilly due to fall hitting the year back again. Jungkook never questioned why the weather was constantly cold now, either raining or snowing now. The ground was covered in sheets of snow, Namjoon in body sized coat and scarf around his face to keep his nose from forming any runny froze icicles to form. Jungkook on the other hand simply wore a brown trenchcoat and a black turtleneck. Namjoon watched Jungkook walked ahead of him, and the sudden pain hit his chest when seeing Jungkook, he sees Seokjin's back image and cursed mentally as his eyes watered once more and stared down at the snow shuffled under his boots. Jungkook walked and walked, straying more further away from their home. He oddly felt a sudden safety in the area and felt as if someone welcome him home with a warm hug. He couldn't help but display a doleful smile. The heavy footsteps grew lighter with each step he took forward, transitioning into a sprint straight into the forest of dead, buried in snow, trees.

"Ah, hey Jungkook!" Namjoon chased after the other. Jungkook felt this sudden warmth grow more and more within his chest. Namjoon warned Jungkook many times to watch where he steps, of course the younger didn't care as he felt this strong presence of someone there. Someone he felt happy to have around his existence.  "Hey, Jungkook!!" Namjoon breathily shouts out nasally. Jungkook was deep into the forest now, close to touching this warm presence, and then suddenly-

A light shines on him. The snow pattern gently floating down like a feather, and landing safely onto the ground making new sheets of snow. Jungkook's chest tightened and his face shined of glee. Before him is a sleeping being that is laid against the tree, dressed in white, the beauty that compliments the snow ever so gracefully. Jungkook approached the being.

His eyes blurred, but he knew what he saw before him was real. His eyes were witnessing it all. He smiled warmly and kneeled before the sleeping other.

Gently caressing the other's cold cheek, yet his sleeping state despite of the winter weather, his skin looks ever so colored and warm. The Male began to wake up.

Jungkook flashed his brightest and strongest smile he could.

"Seokjin, good morning."

I found you.


To be continued. .

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