『 Day Seven: Can You Hear It? 』

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  Mid-Summer. Jungkook now has a enough money to pay his rent without any problems. The fact he has to live alone in the apartment he shared with his father, feels as if he had no father to begin with. Jungkook sits in the middle of the floor as he scans through the photo album filled with pictures of him and his parents during his younger age. His father would usually be the one to scan through the photos and show to Jungkook every time new year's sets in. The joyous memory of going through the photo album every new year only seems to pain him. "Abbeoji probably won't remember doing this, right?" Tears threaten to fall from his tear ducts, but blinked them away to not feel sad over it. He doesn't want his feelings to get to him. This year had started a new months ago, but his father was too sick at the time to go through the photo album, too sick for Jungkook to just be left alone in the house so he took breaks often to help get his father get better. The breaking of his heart just over the fact his father could pass any time. You only know one was alive in the past, but you'll never knos if they're alive in the future. "Appa.. Stay strong.. You have us.. To cheer you on.." Jungkook sing song sadly as he slid the photo of Seokjin, his dad and himself smiling towards the camera happily. Smiling weakly at the picture hoping this shouldn't be the last one of his dad. Not yet, please. Jungkook thought to himself. The tears spilling forces Jungkook to stop in place and let himself go as he can't hold it anymore. Rushing to the bathroom and cry himself, his back against the wall, just letting it all out the heavy weight, all deeply needed wishes. Just everything's been let out till he feels sleepy, diving into the living room floor. With his limp arm over the photo album as he then knocks out, passed out on the floor exhausted of everything. Morning following the next few hours.

  Namjoon came home late from work once more as he complains to Seokjin for not going on the field trip that they planned of. "I blame life for making things so unfair." Seokjin only chuckled softly as he sits across Namjoon laying on the couch as Seokjin sits crossed legs on a smaller couch chair texting his lover while listening to Namjoon's compalints. "Seokjin, maybe we can ask for a week break and plan our trip then! C'mon~ let's go~" Namjoon whines more while Seokjin becomes annoyed and just wants to talk to Jungkook. "Joonie, stop complaining I'm trying to text Kookie--"

"Well, isn't that nice? Anyway.. I'm inviting someone to the trip group.. Hopefully you shouldn't mind since it's been months and Jungkook can protect you from him." Seokjin slowly raised his head and gave all attention to the other still questioning his own actions. "I know him? Haven't seen him in mon--- Namjoon!!!" Namjoon knew that Seokjin figured out who the person would be. "Why is he coming!? I.. I.. I don't want to face him again--"

"He's having a bad time Seokjin, and yes, his actions were very disappointing but he's still an important friend and I will make sure you two get along once more so I can stop driving over to his place! Also he's very suicidal right now and he needs a good time..." Seokjin fell silent and his tense self calmed after hearing the words leave Namjoon's stressed self. "Fine.. But I will not be left alone in a room with him! I don't want him to make a move on me.." Namjoon nodded in terms of agreements that way everyone can all be happy at some point. "Yoongi has some feelings for Jimin so he'll keep him distracted and off of your tail." Seokjin's eyes widen "Yoongi?? Really?? I thought he liked Hoseok?" Namjoon shrugged "The two get uncomfortable in one room so I guess they're not close yet" Seokjin slowly nodded as if it had made sense of their distance. "Well.. I am going to meet up with Jungkook at his place. The cutie just woke up so I want to go make breakfast for him." Namjoon then stopped Seokjin in place once grabbing his wrist. "Seokjin wait.." Seokjin looked at Namjoon, confused at the sudden actions once more making Seokjin laugh from this weird beginning of a day. " What's up with you today?" Namjoon only stared at Seokjin then he laughed awkwardly afterwards eventually letting Seokjin go. "Just.. Be safe on your way there and back.. I'm tired I'm gonna go sleep!" Namjoon waved a small bye to the confused other. Seokjin nodded with a light smile, got ready, and headed out to his boyfriend's place.

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