n i n e (5/14)

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Yoongi arrived at the dance studio where Jimin worked. When he pulled up he noticed him listening to music as he scrolled through social media. The older rolled his window down and shouted out to Jimin. Jimin looked up with a smile and ran to the car and got in. As Jimin got in the car Yoongi checked his phone before setting it down to start driving.

"Hey Yoongi"

"Hi" he said softly as he shifted the gear into drive.

"Thanks again for the ride, I really appreciate it" Jimin said as he looked down to as he responded to his notification.

"You know it's rude to be on your phone when you're with someone" Yoongi scowled at Jimin.

"I'm sorry, don't sound so jealous"

"Jealous of what?"

"Jealous of the person I was talking to instead of you"

Yoongi rolled his eyes and asked Jimin where his house was. Jimin directed Yoongi to his house and they arrived there shortly. Jimin went to get out of the car when Yoongi grabbed his hand. This caused Jimin to feel butterflies in his stomach, something that hasn't happened in a long time.

"Can I ask you something?" Yoongi said while looking down.

Jimin stopped reaching for the door handle and put his phone in his pocket. He felt a sense of nervousness rush over him because what would Yoongi want to know at this moment? "Of course you can, what's going on? Is everything okay?"

"Who were you texting?"

"Why does it matter?"

"It doesn't I just... I don't know"

"Don't worry about it Yoongi, and stop acting like you're my boyfriend or something."

Yoongi felt knots in his stomach, something he hasn't felt for a while. He wasn't sure of his feelings for the younger, but he knew he wanted him for himself. Yes, he already had someone to call his. Yes, he was in love with Hoseok. Yes, he was living the best life that he could with Hoseok, but things were changing. Yoongi wouldn't consider himself happy with Hoseok anymore, and this was making him more miserable by the day.

Jimin surely was not helping the situation either.

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