s i x (4/4)

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Yoongi reached the address that Jimin had sent to him earlier that day. He entered the small diner and chose a seat by the window. He placed his jacket on the seat of the booth and looked through the menu. The waitress came over and he decided to order two waters, since he was unsure of what Jimin would have wanted to drink. He orderded a burger and french fries for himself and let the waitress know the other person was going to order when he got there. While he was waiting for Jimin's company, as well as his food, he scrolled through his snapchat stories.


Jimin rushed out of the studio and made his way to the diner. He started to feel nervous, he was always open to meeting new people and making friends, but Yoongi seemed to be different. Jimin had a feeling similar to butterflies just from the thought of the older.

Once he made it to the diner he walked in and spotted him. He was just scrolling on his phone, completely unaware of his surroundings. He slid into the booth across from Yoongi and took his jacket off. Yoongi looked up at the younger with a slight smile.



"You look even better in person"

Jimin felt his cheeks turn red as he looked down with a smile, "thanks Yoongi, so do you."

"I know, and I also got you a water. I told the waitress you'd order yourself since I don't know what you like" Yoongi said with a smirk

"Thank you"


After some small talk and getting to know each other a little better, Yoongi and Jimin made their way to exit the diner. Yoongi left first and held the door open for Jimin. Jimin kept his head down and in a quiet tone asked the other when he would be able to see him again. Yoongi smiled and told Jimin that he was in a confusing situation right now, so he would have to see when that would happen.

Jimin checked his phone and realized he had five minutes before practice started again so he waved Yoongi goodbye and ran back to the studio. Yoongi couldn't help but to smile at the younger.

He's something else, Yoongi thought before making his way home.

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