s e v e n t e e n (1/11)

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After the events that had just played out Hoseok didn't know how to feel, what to think, who to blame. In the end he ended up blaming himself for caring about his career more than his relationship. Never giving Yoongi the attention he wanted, and practically deserved for always being supportive.

His walked seemed like forever, and in reality it was, but he finally made it back to the apartment he shared with his boyfriend. If that's what they even were at the moment. Hoseok took out his keys, fumbling them trying to find the right one through his tear filled eyes. He managed to find it and inserted it into the slot, turning it so that he could enter the hallway before sliding his shoes off.

"Y-yoongi?" He called out just to see if the older had made it there before him, being that he had the car. There was no response.

He made his way to their bedroom and locked the door behind him as he went to the dresser to change into some pajamas. He plugged in his phone not caring to set an alarm or even check his phone for missed calls or messages. He slipped into the sheets, that were far too empty for his liking. He caressed the spot where his boyfriend usually laid and tears pricked at his eyelids with sobs filling the room shortly after.

He knew he wasn't going to get much sleep tonight, probably not any at all.


Yoongi felt nothing but guilt, he knew Hoseok didn't deserve any of this, and he never wanted him to get hurt. He didn't know what to do at this point, his boyfriend was heart broken and Jimin was beyond pissed off. Once he made it to their apartment he wondered if his partner decided to come home or not. He quietly entered their home just in case he was asleep or something.

"Hobi? Are you home?" Yoongi asked in a loud whisper, only receiving quiet sobs that seemed to be coming from their room as a response. His heart was hurting, the man he fell in love with was falling apart due to his actions and he didn't know how to fix it.

He made his way to their bedroom and attempted to open the door, but failed. He frowned and silently knocked hoping he would have the chance to talk with Hoseok.

"G-go...away" Hoseok said in between sobs, not wanting to see Yoongi anytime soon.

Yoongi whispered an apology before grabbing one of their extra blankets out of the closet before making his way to the living room. He took his pants off and then took a seat on the couch. He placed one of the pillows on the arm rest, but he didn't lay down just yet because he forgot to put his phone on the charger. Luckily, there was an extra charger plugged in one of the sockets in the living room so he got up and set his phone on the charger. He grabbed the blanket and pulled it over himself as he rested his head on the pillow and shut his eyes in an attempt to fall asleep.

All he could hear were the cries from his boyfriend in the other room, this caused Yoongi's heart to hurt and tears started to stream down his face as he slowly drifted off into a deep sleep.

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