t w e l v e (9/9)

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"Yoongi who are you texting?"

"No one, don't worry about it"

"I swear Yoong you better no-"

"I'm not cheating on Hoseok, if that's what you're thinking." Yoongi said before taking his last shot and making his way back home.

- smut warning -

Yoongi arrived home, slightly tipsy, from the night out with Namjoon and Hoseok was not pleased to see his boyfriend in this state. He never is, even though it's not often, Hoseok is just against drinking late at night in general for health and safety reasons.

"Baby, I'm home" Yoongi yelled upon entering the apartment.

"I can see that" Hoseok said with a bit of a frown making it's way across his face as he entered the kitchen.

"What's wrong baby? Is it because I was drinking? Baby, I know you don't like it, I'm sorry-"

"Yoongi stop. It's not because you're drinking. Yes, I don't like it, but I'm more concerned about the fact that we are honestly faking fucking happiness at this point when we both know this relationship has taken it's turn for worse..." Hoseok started, before he felt tears start to poke at his eyelids at the thought of not having his boyfriend around anymore. The begininng of their relationship was nothing less than perfect, but Hoseok couldn't help but to feel guilty because it was his job that was causing their happiness to slowly fade away. "I-I really don't want this to end, I don't want us to be done, I don't want to lose you. I love you and I want to work on us because I know we still love each other, well I hope we do anyways and aren't just saying it out of routine...and I know it's all my fault because I have been so invested in my job and not giving enough of my attention to you like you probably need and I-" 

"Hobi, baby, there is nothing wrong with being invested in something you love. It's one of the reasons I'm so in love with you babe. Plus, you know I like time to myself just as much as I want to be with you.." Yoongi said as he wiped the tears from the younger's cheeks, then taking his hands and gliding his thumb over his knuckles repeatedly. He looked up to his boyfriend making sure that they have eye contact, "and I do still love you, more than anything. You saved me in my time of need and showed me a place of comfort as well as happiness, but our frustration is just getting the best of us at the moment...that doesn't mean I love you any less. You support me the best that you can when it comes to my passion for music, just like I do for your dance. You're just fortunate to be able to do something with your talent. I know my job doesn't bring much to the table, and is the reason you have to work longer hours. So I am sorry for that. I just want you to be happy, and if I am in the way of that by any means ple-"


"Baby, I'm serious, if I'm the reason you feel like this I-"

"NO! You have done nothing wrong. You, Min Yoongi, are so perfect in my eyes. I don't care about your job because it gives you more time to work on your music. Sure, it doesn't help pay the apartment bills, but it helps put food on the table and pitch in towards car payments..." Hoseok sighed, and pulled away from the older before making his way into their bedroom. Yoongi followed and the younger turned to him, "it's not even a money issue babe... I just feel like the Yoongi and Hoseok from two years ago is fading away..." Hoseok stated as he placed his face in his hands.

"Maybe we can get that back...let's just go to sleep for now, we both have to get up early and we can always talk about it tomorrow"

Hoseok nodded and Yoongi placed a chaste kiss on the younger's forehead. The older stripped from his bar clothes and changed into plaid pajama pants and a black short sleeve shirt that hugged his torso perfectly. Hoseok was already under the covers waiting for his boyfriend to join him and when he did he ran his fingers through the older's hair as he opened his eyes to say i love you and goodnight. Yoongi wrapped his arms around the younger's waist and pulled himself closer. Hoseok then leaned in until his lips connected with Yoongi's sending them both into a state of bliss. They each felt something in their stomachs, similiar to butterflies, but stronger than anything they have felt before, something that reassured them that the spark that they once had didn't lose it's flame just quite yet. Yoongi brushed his tongue against the other's lips asking for entrance, which he received along with a hand being wrapped around his neck. With each kiss their breaths became heavier and their kisses became sloppier making both of them wanting more from each other. Hoseok rolled Yoongi over, not breaking the kiss until his boyfriend was comfortable on his back. He looked down at his boyfriend with a look of both lust and love, recieving an I love you from the older and of course he said it back before he started placing slow, wet kisses along Yoongi's neck. What started out as something innocent became something sinful as the younger started to lightly sink his teeth into the older's flesh on his neck making his way down to his collarbone before sucking just enough several small love bites to let anyone know that he was claimed. The small moans he was recieving from Yoongi every time he placed each hickey caused his length to harden, and once he placed kisses all of they way down Yoongi's chest and stomach he realized that it wasn't just him that was ready for more.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" Hoseok asked, eventhough this wasn't their first time he always made it a habit to ask permission before taking things to the next level with his boyfriend.

"I-I'm sure.." Yoongi said slightly breathless as he grabbed for the nape of the other's neck to connect their lips once more.

With that Hoseok grabbed the waistband of Yoongi's briefs, slowly removed them whilst placing soft kisses down his thighs, "you're so perfect. Yoong. every. single. inch. I love you." The praise Yoongi was recieving made his heart race and made him want the younger even more. Hoseok then removed his own boxers and grabbed the lube and a condom from the drawer of their nightstand.

"B-baby, please hurry" Yoongi said impatiently.

"So needy, you want me that badly?" Hoseok said as he licked his lips before placing his lips to Yoongi's creating a sloppy kiss.

"Yes. You know it's been a very long time, and I want it...now" the older replied slightly annoyed until he heard his lover open the cap to the lubricant.

"Turn over. All fours."

The younger makes sure to place lube on the elder's hole as well as his own finger before he begins to prepare his boyfriend. He slowly enters one finger recieving a small whine that sounds peaceful as it hits his ears, "you okay baby?" he states before entering a second finger to loosen him. Yoongi doesn't respond due to the fact that his boyfriend is sending him through many waves of emotions just from being fingered. Hoseok takes the silence as an okay to enter one last finger to stretch the older before preparing his hardened length with lube and placing the condom on.

"You ready?" Hoseok asks as he positions himself to his boyfriend's entrance.

"Yes.." Yoongi says in something similar to a whine.

The older gasped as his boyfriend entered him slowly and then followed a loud moan as his prostate was struck causing small tears to fall from his eyes. This is a pain Yoongi was used to, and the tears came natural and were mostly from the pleasure he was receiving. They both missed this, being connected through this physical bond that sent them both into a world of ecstacy. Every time the older begged for the younger to go faster his wish was granted as Hoseok kept going in and out of his lover, each thrust harder than the last. This allowed the younger's ears to be filled with the moans of his boyfriend causing him to reach his climax as he released into his lover with a groan before wiping the sweat from his forehead, leaving his hair a knotted mess. Being that the older had reached his climax and released on to their bed at that same moment, he collapsed restlessly and out of breath. Hoseok went to get a towel from the bathroom to clean up his sweaty mess of a boyfriend.

After the two had put on a clean pair of briefs and snuggled back into bed after they made love Hoseok was fast asleep, and Yoongi was resting on top of him stroking his hair while admiring all of the small details on his boyfriend's face. A small light lit up the room and Yoongi reached for his phone to see that he had a notification from Jimin. He opened the message and immediately locked his phone before slowly removing himself from ontop of his boyfriend to get dressed. He placed a kiss on Hoseok's forehead and covered him before he quietly made his way out of the apartment.

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