f i f t e e n (1/2)

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Jimin, Jungkook, and Taehyung arrived to the movie theater to see the newest horror film. Jimin trailed behind the two love birds as they held hands and made their way to the ticket booth. The cashier greeted the couple and Taehyung asked for three tickets for the film, and Jimin looked up in shock.

"Tae tae, you don't have to pay for me," he stated with a frown.

"Don't worry about Jimin, it's just one movie," Taehyung reassured with his beautiful boxy grin.

"At least let me pay for the snacks, please"

Taehyung nodded before lacing his fingers in his boyfriend's hand as they made their way inside the building and headed for the snackbar. Jimin trailed behind them anxiously scanning the room hoping to see one of his friends. Jimin got in line at the snack bar and ended up ordering three large slushies and a large popcorn for all of them to share. Taehyung and Jungkook grabbed their drinks off of Jimin and thanked him as they made their way to the theater. The orange haired male stated he had to use the restroom and that he'd meet the boys inside of the theater and they separated.

Jimin made his way to the bathroom and upon his entry someone bumped into him, but before he could react he noticed that it was Yoongi.

"Yoongi!" Jimin exclaimed, happy to see the elder after some time now. "How have you been?"

"I've been fine thank you, how about you, with your hand and everything?" Yoongi responded as his gummy smile started to surface.

"Eh, can't complain I guess, and my hand is a lot better. I just have to keep this bandaid on it now, but I'm just glad to have a bit of free time, you know?" the younger shrugged.

"Yeah. I get that, you work hard, but I'm glad you're okay!"

"Thank you! And I know, but hey what are you here to see?" Jimin asked.

"I don't know yet, it's either the new horror movie or the comedy movie."

"Hey, we are going to see the new scary movie. You should come sit with us!" Jimin offered excitedly hoping that he would agree. That same butterfly feeling creeping into his stomach at his offer.

"Maybe some other time Jimin, I'm here with someone, so I uh...I gotta go. I'll see you around" Yoongi said with a slight smile as he made his way back to the ticketbooth where Hoseok was waiting in line. Once he reached his boyfriend he hugged him from behind and locked his fingers together cherishing that moment trying to subside the feeling of awkwardness he had due to seeing Jimin a couple of minutes ago. Of course Yoongi felt jealous, he knew what he was doing was in a sense wrong, but he couldn't shake this feeling he got when it came to Jimin. 

"What took you so long?" Hoseok asked as he raised an eyebrow and placed one of his hands on top of Yoongi's hands that were secured at his bellybutton.

"I just ran into someone that reconized me, no one important." Yoongi told his boyfriend, and for some reason his stomach became uneasy at his words. Not because he was half-lying to his boyfriend, but because he claimed Jimin wasn't important, which wasn't the case at all.

"You okay babe?" Hoseok said in a soft tone as he grazed his thumb across the elder's knuckles. He could tell something was off, but it was supposed to be their night out and they were supposed to be enjoying it, so if Yoongi didn't want to respond he wasn't going to push him.

"Yeah I'm okay" Yoongi said as he flashed his boyfriend, a hopefully, convicing enough smile after releasing his grip from the younger and standing next to him since it was almost their turn to purchase tickets. 

Hoseok placed a kiss on Yoongi's temple before stepping up to the cash register and purchasing two tickets for the horror film that Yoongi so desperately wanted to see. Even though this was not Hoseok's favorite thing, he wanted this night to be about Yoongi due to the uneasy feeling he had. They made their way to the snack bar where they ended up ordering two slushies, a medium size popcorn, and a pack of gummy worms. Hoseok gave the cashier a twenty and told her to keep the change as he handed Yoongi the gummy worms and his slushie before grabbing his own along with his popcorn. They made their way to the teller, and he ripped the two of their tickets and sent the couple in the direction towards the theater.

Yoongi started to get an uneasy feeling because Jimin was going to be in this theater, too. The older never brought it to Jimin's attention that he was in fact in a commited relationship and he didn't want to hurt Jimin. Yoongi wasn't aware of the feelings that the younger might have for him, but if there were feelings he definitely didn't want to hurt him because he considered Jimin a good friend, someone he wants to keep around.

Once the couple made it to the designated theater they chose the seats that are right up the very first step so that they could place their feet on the railing. This was a seat that they have always chosen to get the best experience at a movie theater. Yoongi laced his fingers with his boyfriend's and layed his head on his shoulder as they awaited the start of the previews. Hoseok lifted the older's chin so their gazes met and he mouthed 'I love you' and Yoongi did the same. They flashed each other the brightest smiles and the younger leaned down to close the gap between them capturing Yoongi's upperlip for an innocent kiss.

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