s e v e n t e e n (11/11)

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Hoseok and Jimin pulled up to the apartment and made their way inside. The taller unlocked the door and took his shoes off before allowing the other to come in and do the same.

"Hobi? What the actual fuck is going on?" Yoongi yelled as he made his way to the door from the bedroom, rage written all over his face.

"I don't know why you're yelling at me, when you're the one who was fucking around with Jimin in the first place? Now we came here to talk through all of this shit, but if you're going to act like this I'll gladly leave and you can live your life with Jimin. It's up to you." Hoseok stated with clear bitterness lacing his voice. Jimin just stood behind him with wide eyes, not realizing how mad Hoseok could get.

"N-no. That's not what I want, let's just talk."

"That's what I thought," Hoseok said as he grabbed Jimin's small hand and pulled him towards the livingroom and then gestured for him to have a seat.

The shorter blonde took a seat in the love seat next to Yoongi. His eyes took in the beautiful livingroom he was seated in waiting for Hoseok to initiate the conversation, feeling as if it wasn't his place to start even though it was his idea.

"Jimin" Hoseok started, eyes meeting with the other, "do you want to tell him or should I?"

"Y-you can." he softly replied, making it obvious that he was anxious.

"Okay. Well Yoongi, Jimin clearly has feelings for the both of us, and at the studio today he suggested something. I think that it could work, but we obviously had to see if you'd be okay with it, too." Hoseok stated as he took a seat in the recliner.

Yoongi sunk into the couch and closed his eyes, running a million scenarios through his head of what was going to play out. "Okay, what is it?"

"Well, he suggested we all kind of like...date each other?"

Jimin's face immediately turned red and warmth surged through his cheeks. He was embarrassed because he has never tried anything along the lines of what he suggested. He took a deep breath and turned to the dark haired male next to him and placed his small hand on his knee, "Do you think, just maybe, it might work?"

Yoongi shook his head. He became furious, but more so worried, he was always known to be the jealous boyfriend, so why would he want to share Hoseok? Why would Hoseok want to share him? He laced his own fingers together and Hoseok could tell that he was going to break down, and his attempt to calm him down didn't work out how he planned.

"Baby...it could be a way for all of us to get the attention we want. I know you're not really one to share, but you kind of already had me sharing you with Jimin unintentionally. You even said yourself that-"

"And? I was going to try to make things better for us. I didn't think you'd try to fucking invite someone else to be a part of our relationship." he said as he stood up and made his way over to his partner, eyes only looking at his feet.

The younger could see how upset his boyfriend became, so he made sure to keep his voice as calm as he could. "Yoongi, you already did that when you kept messaging Jimin, don't you realize that?" he said with a frown, and the boy in front of him took a seat in his lap wrapping his arms around the blonde's neck.

"Hobi, I apologized." he pouted.

"And I forgave you Yoongi, but I just want you to be happy. I want all of us to be happy. " the blonde said as he ran his fingers through the older's hair, and then quickly glanced to where the youngest in the room was sitting.

"Then let's just be happy, without him. I don't want to share you, okay?" he suggested as he placed a kiss to his boyfriend's lips before glaring at Jimin.

Jimin felt awkward, he never wanted to intrude, and he didn't realize Yoongi was going to react like this because he thought he liked him. Guilt took over once again and he was close to breaking down, but he didn't want to, not in front of them, not yet. The youngest made his way to the door to put his shoes on, but his name was called causing him to look back towards the couple. Yoongi was hugging Hoseok like a koala, and the younger mouthed 'i'll talk to him' to the other blonde by the door. He simply nodded and made his way out of the apartment in hopes that his coworker would be able to figure something out so that they all could end up happy.

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