s e v e n t e e n (2/11)

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The next morning Hoseok got up and made his way to the bathroom so that he could take a shower before work. He didn't care what time it was and whether or not he was late, they were lucky he even decided to go.

As he left the bathroom he was drying his hair while making his way to the bed room to change into something for work. He decided on joggers and a slightly baggy white t-shirt with a jean jacket, and once he changed he made his was back in the bathroom to brush his teeth and put on some deodorant.

Hoseok grabbed his phone and his dufflebag, he then checked the time, and shrugged at the fact he was going to be an hour late. He made his way to exit the apartment when he noticed Yoongi soundly sleeping on the couch, and he rolled his eyes. Of course he was still going to be upset about what he had just found out and with that he grabbed his keys and made sure to slam the front door as he began his walk to work.

He walked into work avoiding making eye contact with anyone and went straight to the locker room to get ready for the classes he had to teach. He was not looking forward to plastering a smile on his face all day for the kids, because evidently he felt like shit, and he didn't care who knew. Someone entered the locker room and Hoseok didn't even bother looking up to see who it was because whether it was Jungkook or Jimin, there was nothing to say.

"A-are you okay?" Jungkook asked as he sat down next to his co-worker, trying not to cross any boundaries.

"No, I'm not fucking okay" Hoseok snapped.

Jungkook sighed and before he was able to speak he was cut off.

"Jungkook, I-I'm sorry. I'm just really torn up about this, and I feel really bad for this situation fucking up your birthday." Hoseok said as he placed his hand atop of his friend's.

"Hobi, it's fine. It's just a birthday, I'll have plently more...really, don't worry about that. I was going to say that if you wanted to go home or something, I can cover for you because I can't even imagine what you're going through right now." He said offering a faint smile.

"Thank you, but Yoongi...he's home, and I don't want to see him. I'll be fine, dancing will help me get my mind off of it."

"Okay, I have to go back out there now, I only told them they can have a five minute break," Jungkook stated as he made his way back into the studio.

Hoseok nodded and went back to tying his shoelaces and placing his bag into his assigned locker. When he shut his locker he was scared by a certain orange-haired male standing before him with his head down.

"Hobi. Can we talk?" Jimin said pressing his tongue into his cheek due to nothing but nervousness. He knew he was going to have to talk with Hoseok about the whole situation, and he didn't know how it was going to play out.

"Of course"

"Look, I'm really sorry. I honestly never meant for any of this to happen, a-and Yoongi he's just-" Jimin was saying as he was playing with his thumbs before he was cut off.

"amazing? talented? anything anyone could fucking ask for? I know" Hoseok said as he started to laugh, tears forming at the though of the person he loves.

"I was going to say he's just dumb...but that works too I guess. Hoseok what he did was fucked up, and I'm not saying I'm not in the wrong here because I knew he had a boyfriend, but I kept egging him on because I honestly just started falling for him. He said shit was complicated, and it seemed like he was going to break up with his boyfriend, and that's why I never stopped. But I just can't even forgive myself for that because now you're hurt the most, and you're the sweetest person I know and you don't deserve this at all." Jimin said, exhaling at the end due to how fast he was talking.

"I understand Jimin, Yoongi's perfect. I don't blame you, and I know he didn't mean any harm, he just wants to be happy and I don't know if I can give him that right now."

"Well, maybe, if you guys are into that kind of thing," Jimin started as he ran his fingers through his hair, "we could, um, make Yoongi happy. Like, together?"

"Like we all date each other?"

"Y-yeah, Tae made a joke about that last night, but then I started thinking about it for real. I mean I like both of you guys, but I definitely don't want to intrude in any way."

"I mean, I've never done that, do you think it could actually work?"

"I don't know, maybe, but you guys would have to like sort something out."

"I-I'll talk to Yoongi about it tonight, but do you wanna come to the salon with me after work?" Hoseok offered since his mood was lifted a little bit. He was still upset about everything that happened without him knowing, but maybe a polyamorous relationship could end up working out for the three of them.

"Sure, I'm getting sick of this orange shit anyways"

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