t w e l v e (5/9)

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Hoseok wasn't feeling Yoongi's vibe earlier that day so after he posted that picture on his story he decided to go home. He told Yoongi he was tired and had to get up early, which wasn't a lie. Yoongi called Hoseok an uber as well as one for himself. He also texted Namjoon to meet him at the bar so that he wasn't going to be there alone. The two shared a simple kiss before parting ways and heading to their destinations. Yoong didn't watch his boyfriend's story until he reached the bar with his close friend Namjoon.


Namjoon and Yoongi have been friends for a while and both have an endearing passion for music. Sometimes they collab on tracks in hopes of making it in the industry one day, but this was not the main topic of tonight's conversation.

As Yoongi took a sip from his beer he looked over to the younger, "any luck with Jin yet?"

"I asked him on a date and he said yes. We haven't made any arrangements yet, but him agreeing to spend some time with me is a start"

"It's about fucking time you guys plan to hang out on your own. You guys have so much tension and it makes shit awkward when we all hang out, no offense"

"Hey, you're one to talk..."


"Yoongi, don't act stupid. Jin and I can both tell that you and Hoseok aren't okay right now...avoiding the situation won't make it better"

"Joon, I know...but I-I'm scared to lose him...and break his heart..." Yoongi stated as he started to choke on his words. That's when his phone started to vibrate.

He checked the two notifications he had recieved and both made his stomach turn due to his conflicting emotions.

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