t h i r t e e n (1/6)

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There were a million things running through Yoongi's mind.

Why did he message me?

Couldn't Taehyung and Jungkook have helped?

Is he okay?

Why do I really even give a fuck?

The message was so brief, how was he supposed to think that Jimin was okay. Even though there was not much to their relationship, not even much to what they were, they both had taken a liking to each other. One drunken encounter with the orange haired male had Yoongi in a confused state of mind he was never in before. Jimin was someone that just so happened to be there that night to make sure he didn't take too many drinks. It was always Hoseok, his main concern, since they day he realized he wanted to be with him forever. Hoseok was one of the only people that cared about how he was doing and made sure he was doing what he wanted and he didn't know why Jimin had him so flustered after only meeting up twice. Yoongi just wasn't sure if it was a liking to Jimin as a person or the attention he was receiving from the younger, and he needed to sort it out as soon as possible.

Yoongi reached what he assumed was Jimin's house, and the sight caused his stomach to turn. There were cops surrounding the place, and even an ambulance flashing it's bright red lights causing a rush of panic to fill the pit of the older's stomach. He slowly made his way towards the sight before him looking to his left and then his right repeatedly trying to spot the younger.


He immediately turned around to the sight of the younger, arms crossed in a baggy longsleeve striped shirt with black ripped skinny jeans looking nothing less than distressed. Yoongi brushed his hand over Jimin's face, wiping away his tears before pulling him into a soft hug. Jimin then wrapped his arms around Yoongi's waist before letting out more soft sobs into the older's chest. They stood like this for a while before Yoongi pulled away and asked Jimin what happened. Jimin looked down at his feet before grabbing his hand that was wrapped with several bandages, blood starting to seep through.

"Someone broke into my house... and they tried to attack me but I defended myself. My neighbor called the cops when she heard the glass crash, and they came just in time. Yoongi. I was so scared, and I'm sorry for texting you this late. I-I just didn't know what to do, and I didn't want to be alone" the younger explained with a frown starting to form on his face until the older brushed his fingers through Jimin's hair in an attempt to calm him down.

"Jimin, don't apologize. You did nothing wrong, but let's have them look at your hand again and re-wrap it and then we can go get you something to eat and I'll buy you a room for the night.  How's that sound?"

"Thank you" is all Jimin could manage to say as he laced the fingers of his uninjured hand into Yoongi's.


They arrived to a simple restaraunt located next to the hotel that Jimin would be staying at in thanks to Yoongi already booking his room. Jimin was shaking, his experience from earlier had him jumping at everyone except for the older that helped him remain calm. Yoongi put his arm around the younger to assure him that everything is okay, and the two were placed in a small booth by the window. They both ordered water and the orange haired male decided on chocolate chip waffles to fill his stomach. They handed their menus to the waiter and thanked him before Yoongi went to check his phone until he realized he had left it at home.

"Fuck" Yoongi muttered under his breath as he patted his pockets hoping he didn't really leave his phone at home.

"A-are you okay?" Jimin said with the softest tone

"Yeah. I'm okay. I just left my phone at home"

"Oh, so I guess you'll be going then? I'll be fine."

"Jimin. You and I both know I wouldn't leave you like this, it's not that serious" the older said knowing deep down Hoseok would be worried if he woke up in the middle of the night and he wasn't there.

The waffles arrived moments later and Jimin stuffed his cheeks like he hasn't eaten in days, but it was due to the stress that had taken over. Yoongi couldn't help but to smile at the sight of Jimin and how absolutely cute his chubby cheeks filled with chocolate chip waffles looked, but when the younger licked some remains of chocolate and syrup from his plumped lips Yoongi's thoughts immediately changed. The sight left his mouth agape and Jimin took note of this and started to tease him with every bite, letting out small moans because the waffles were just that good. Yoongi shifted in his seat at the younger taunting him before he grabbed twently dollars from his pocket set it on the counter and grabbed Jimin, dragging him out of the restaraunt by his wrist and getting into his car.

"Don't ever pull any shit like that ever again Park Jimin." Yoongi said with a husky voice avoiding eye contact with Jimin as he put the car in reverse to start the drive to the hotel.

Jimin just bit his bottom lip with a smile as he clicked on his seatbelt and relaxed his head against the window.

"Thanks again Yoongi, text me when you're home safe." Jimin said as he got out of the car and made his way to his room. The older made sure he was in the room before he decided to make his way back home.

"2:35 am" he said with a sigh as he pulled out of the hotel parking lot and on to the highway

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