n i n e (14/14)

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Hoseok and Yoongi were in a deep sleep until the younger's alarm went off so he could get ready for his interview. The older wrapped his legs around his boyfriend and let out a light groan. He didn't want Hoseok to leave, he wanted to stay wrapped in his boyfriend's arms a little bit longer because this was not something they got to do often due to their conflicting schedules. Hoseok wanted nothing more but to hold his baby all day and just smother him in kisses, but unfortunately they had bills to pay so hopefully this new job would allow more opportunities for them to see each other.

"Baby..." Hoseok whispered "I have to get ready for this interview and I can't be late"

"Where are you trying to get a job anyways?" Yoongi pouted as he pulled Hoseok tighter.

"That dance studio on 5th, they needed another dance instructor so I applied last week and they set up an interview so I have to get up." Hoseok said as he pulled Yoongi off of him and placed a light kiss onto his lips.

"I hope you get the job." the older said as he rolled over, and that's when he realized...Jimin works at the studio on 5th.

✓ unexpected ↝ yoonminseokWhere stories live. Discover now