f i f t e e n (2/2)

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Shortly after the previews started, Hoseok stood up and before he made his way to leave the theater Yoongi grabbed his hand and pulled him down.

"Babe, where are you going?"

"I'm just going to bathroom, I'll be right back." he reassured the older with a smile.

Yoongi let go of his lover's hand before turning to the side to allow him to make his way to the bathroom.

As Hoseok made his way towards the restroom he thought he heard his name, but he chose to ignore it because he wanted to make his trip to the bathroom as fast as possible so that he could make his way back to the theater in time to see the actual movie. There it was again and when he turned around he was greeted by a familiar orange haired male.

"Hobi!" Jimin yelled as he jogged to catch up with his coworker.

"Hey Jimin, how are you?" he said with a bright smile.

"I'm good, here with Jungkook and his boyfriend seeing that new scary movie. What are you seeing?"

"The same thing, with my boyfriend! I'm not really a fan of these type of movies, but he is, so here i am" he shrugged.

"Ah nice" Jimin says as they both made their way into the bathroom.

As the two washed their hands Jimin couldn't help to catch a glance of the older male. He bit his lip and smiled as he turned the water off and reached for a paper towel. He handed one to Hoseok before they both made their way back to the theater.

"Hey, I'm going to grab another box of gummy words," Hoseok said as he stopped before turning around to make his way back to the snack bar, "I'll see you at work."

"Okay, I'll see you later" Jimin said as he made his way back to the theater.

He opened the door, made his way down the dim hallway, and as he made his way up the steps he spotted Yoongi. He waved, trying to catch his attention. Once Yoongi spotted him he offered him a small wave and shot him a bright smile showing off his gums. Jimin winked before making his way back to his seat. Once he sat down he tried to make out where Yoongi was sitting in hopes to catch him after the show, but it was impossible considering all of the dark haired people sitting towards the front. He just decided to relax in his seat as the previews cut off and the theater became pitch black before the movie began.


Once the movie ended Yoongi grabbed Hoseok's hand and practically pulled him out of his seat. He was basically dragging his boyfriend out of the movie theater and to their car. His grip was a lot tighter than he thought because once they finally got to the car the younger finally was able to remove his hand from Yoongi's hold and he shook his hand at the pain he started to feel.

"Yoongi, what the hell?" the younger said with a tone of annoyance.

Yoongi didn't respond right away, he just ran his fingers through his hair not able to remove his eyes from the ground. His mind clouded with thoughts of Jimin causing him to become a nervous wreck. With his tongue pressed to the inside of his cheek, taking in deep breath after deep breath, started to feel a sense of heat take over him. "C-can you please, just unlock the door, so we can leave."

"Baby, are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just cold, wanna go home" he mumbled.

Hoseok unlocked the door and made his way to the driver's side of the car and got in. He placed in hand on his boyfriend's knee causing him to jump from instinct. "Baby..."

Yoongi grabbed his hand and placed a chaste kiss on the outside of his hand, "Hoseok, I'm fine, really."

With that Hoseok put the car in reverse and then into drive as he made his way out of the theater's parking lot. They shortly arrived to their place and made their way upstairs. Hoseok unlocked the door and allowed his boyfriend to enter before he did making sure to lock the door as he slipped his shoes off. The younger made his way to the bedroom, his lover already starting to remove his clothes, probably to take a shower. Yoongi unbuckled his belt and before he was able to slip his pants off he felt familiar hands wrap around his waist, slipping his hands into the waist band of his boxers. The younger started leaving wet kissing along the length of the older's neck up to his ear leaving some slight bruises along the way. "Wanna get in the shower baby?" he whispered into Yoongi's ear before lapping his tongue over his earlobe.

Yoongi was practically out of breathe from the sudden sensation that was running through his body, but something was off. Something was off in the worst way possible because as his boxers tightened his thoughts were trailing off back to Jimin. "Not tonight, I'm really tired, I'm sorry" he said before removing Hoseok's hands from his waist and sliding off his jeans before slipping under the sheets and plugging his phone into the charger. Hoseok didn't want to pester his boyfriend, so he as well stripped out of his clothes and made his way to the other side of the bed. He plugged in his phone as well, checked for notifications, and being that there was none he locked his phone and set it on his nightstand. The older checked snapchat hoping that a certain someone posted before he locked his phone and drifted off into his sleep, but not before turning around and placing a chaste kiss to his lover's shoulder.

Yoongi couldn't sleep.

He tossed and turn for hours, battling various thoughts that couldn't seem to fade. He cursed himself for feeling this way, it wasn't like him to avoid attention from Hoseok ever. It was rare that they got to be together these days, and the guilt was eating him alive. All he ever wants from Hoseok is attention, it was the cause of the strain in their relationship, and he denied it. His mind was running in circles, but a sudden notification and light up of his boyfriend's phone caused that guilt to turn into confusion. It was around four in the morning, and no one should be texting his boyfriend at this hour unless it was an emergency. He was curious as to who the hell would be trying to contact Hoseok at this hour, but Yoongi trusted him, he didn't have a reason not to. Yoongi decided to ignore the notification and try to fall asleep once again, so he wrapped his arms around his lover's waist capturing his warmth and then closed his eyes in hopes of getting some rest. Just when Yoongi was about to drift away into his sleep a bright light filled the room, again, and he couldn't help but to look at the screen where he saw a notification that caused his stomach to turn in knots.

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