s i x t e e n (2/2)

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Two weeks went by a lot faster than Yoongi had hoped, and luckily Hoseok was completely unaware of what was going on today. Yoongi decided that he was just going to pick up his boyfriend from work, as well as his coworker and then take them to the party. His nerves were all worked up because he was going to have to encounter Jimin along with Hoseok, completely unaware of what the outcome might be.

After running some errands, Yoongi pulled up to the dance studio his boyfriend worked at and placed the car in park before getting out. He made his way into the studio where Hoseok was finishing up some dances with his coworker and two other clients.

Yoongi stood there in awe, he hasn't seen Hoseok dance in a long time, and he couldn't help but to stare at each fluid body movement. There was something about the way that he danced, you could tell that he was immersed in every song he practiced and his only thought being to get the moves down pat every time. The way his sweat glistened under the dance studio lights caused the older's heart to beat just a little faster than normal. In his eyes his boyfriend was perfect, every little detail that would take forever to explain, but he couldn't help feel a little guilty for what was going to happen tonight. There were so many different things that could occur at the party. He could in fact find out that his boyfriend was cheating on him with Jimin, or maybe he was just simply a coworker. Jimin might come on to Yoongi and raise suspicion for Hoseok, but honestly he didn't know which one was worse at this point because either way it was going to lead to an arguement. While all these thoughts crossed his mind Jungkook pulled him back into reality.

"Sir.." Jungkook said for what seemed to be the hundreth time as he snapped his fingers in Yoongi's face.

"Huh? Oh..I'm sorry"

"Are you signing up for a class?"

"Oh no, I'm not that great of a dancer. I'm here to pick up Hoseok and his friend." Yoongi said glancing back at his boyfriend and then back at the younger male behind the desk, "Are you Jungkook?"

"Yeah, okay so you're his boyfriend? Okay. He's almost done so you can just grab a seat over there and then we can head out some time after that" he said and motioned over the the benches by the studio window where parents usually watched their children practice. Jungkook disappeared into the back room, and Yoongi made his way to the bench. He took a seat and crossed his legs, placing his right leg over his left leg before reaching into his pocket to take out his phone.

After about fifteen minutes of aimless scrolling on social media, he was pulled from his trance when a figure sat next to him. He looked up from his phone to see his boyfriend in ripped jeans and a black t-shirt, which means he must have used the locker room for a quick shower. Hoseok placed his hand on the older's that was resting on his knee.

"You ready babe?" he asked with a soft voice.

"Yeah, is Jungkook ready?" Yoongi asked as he put both feet flat on the floor and shoved his phone back in his pocket, replacing that with the car keys.

"He's coming I think" Hoseok said as he looked towards the locker room that was for staff use only.

"Okay guys, sorry, I was just finishing up some paperwork that Jimin left in my mailbox!" Jungkook stated as he exited the staff room, making sure to lock it before making his way to the door.

Yoongi felt nauceous. Jimin. His name made Yoongi so much more nervous than he ever was for what was going to happen later on tonight.

"Sounds good, let's go." Hoseok said jumping out of his seat and grabbing Yoongi's hand as they made their exit. Jungkook locked the studio doors when everyone left and made his way to the backseat allowing the couple to occupy the driver and passenger seat. With that Yoongi put the car in drive and they made their way to Jungkook's surprise birthday party, which hopefully wasn't going to be ruined.

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