Chapter 02

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Waking up to the awful sound of your alarm is the worst way to start a day. But I'm left with no other option as I'm the kind of person who would be sleeping till the next morning if there's no one to break my chain of dreams. This is the time of the morning when the gravitational force of my bed is stronger than the centre of the earth. I just want to crawl back in. Hah, though I love you my dearest bed I need to work to feed my ever hungry stomach. God I eat a lot and then envy the girls having sleek figures. Haha stupid me. There was a time when I use to focus a lot on my appearance, looking in the mirrors and hating on me but now I like what I see. The beautiful me !!

Wandering around the house, I felt a lonesome feeling rising in my chest. No one to come across my day. I wander how it feels to have someone to greet every morning though it was my decision to live independently. I sometimes do miss my family, but a change is what I needed. I looked at the bowl of cereal in contemplation and wander whether One day I'll be able to blend with someone like the cereal does with milk. Though different state of matter still a great combination and ravishing flavours.

I was already sulking at my day but then came a text from my friend, he always makes my day a little better than I thought it might go. Yes I don't reside in solitude for God has blessed me with a small circle of friends, the people on whom I can rely in my toughest of times. No I did not break all connections with the old ones, there were few worth keeping. But this one's special. I never had the same friends for more than 2 years cause at the end I always realised this is not where I belong. But to my astonishment , its been 5 years and he is still by side. Maybe this friendship is meant to last longer or maybe forever. But as I told you, I don't believe in forever cause it always mark its end or maybe its just my intuition that holds me back.

Caring is what we all need at some point in your lives though we may act all high and tough. No matter how many times you've been betrayed in love you'll seek for one. That's the thing about addiction, once addicted to something it becomes nearly impossible to get out of it.

And so I guess his care is what I am addicted to. He is the kind of person I turn to first in my sorrow and happiness. The kind of person I can turn to for the most honest advice. The kind of person that spreads happiness with its presence, at least for me.

I hope this goes on for longer phase of my life rather than just a chapter of my story. Yes I do crave for someone's care , someone's warmth at the end of the end. This is how we are made. His friendship makes me feel home, the joy a child finds in an ice-cream cone and I hope for the same in the coming years. No, there's no hard feelings for him, just a friend praying for a friend to stay in their life so it becomes somehow bearable. We fight, we laugh, we argue, but at the end we are one. A kind of bond hard to explain, a connection I can't deny. With him, time flies. But why do I get a sickening feeling in my guts ?

I choose to ignore and continue my work. Stepping out of the house is what I dread, but am I left with any other alternative ?

As I step out , I am kissed by the cool morning breeze, pleasant but brings its chill too. I embraced the atmosphere and let out a sigh. Already tired of the day .. how am I going to work out the remaining hours. O'GOD help me escape this !!!!

And I guess, this was the day god answered my prayers.


Thank you for reading. Your support will be appreciated.

Since its my first story, I know there's  lot to improve and I'm trying to progress. I hope to provide you with interesting plots in future. 


Rida Mushtaq 

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