Chapter - 14

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[ A few months later ]

It's been quiet a few months and I have started living new adventures, for instance a new job and a quiet few new writers occupy most of my time. I have cried and lived every moment in the book while I sipped the love of the warm tea. I carried the sport of writing , the love for words residing in my veins. I let my fire burn me , the flame grew brighter as I enjoyed burning down in my own passions. I never realized that the fire inside us burns brights and higher than the fire around us and when it does no one can posses the strength to destroy you.

My imagination gave me wings I never had. I was happy taking my flights even when people warned me that these imaginations would be the end of me one day , that I need to be more realistic. But if you don't imagine , nothing happens at all. I was discovering things, people and roads leading nowhere cause 'You have to get lost to discover your own self.'

I was always told that I'm good at seducing people with my words because they read and I write. In my recent history of being a poetess I realize how people fell for chapters and routes that doesn't exist and parts way from  the ugly reality of the present. I often think about the time when people loved me when I feed them with a part of my story so perfectly scripted and portrayed while being unaware of the unpleasant part that lays buried deep within.

I was reading paper town when suddenly his message popped up. It's been quiet long since our last conversation and my heart started pacing to a different beat like it was the very first time. That's how his magic works. He makes me glow with undefined happiness and no matter after how long he makes his presence known my face lights up at the thought of  conversing with this soul , making me alive again.

"Hey, how have you been ?"

"Hello, I'm pretty good. Tell me bout you, how are you doing ?"

"I'm doing quiet well these days. So whats up ?"

"Nothing much. I'm reading 'Paper Towns' currently. Have you read it ?"

"No I did not read the book but I did watch the movie and it's pretty good."

"Yes it is. John Green do posses the art of making people cry with joy."

"Yes he does."

"You know  something my love, I sometimes wish to be that paper girl in a paper town."

"And why do you wish for something like that ?"

"Because there's a different joy in wandering off to an unknown place just like her, settling down there with a new name, a new identity. An identity known to none, an identity that writes a new story."

"Yes there is. But girl I don't want you wandering off somewhere else but to wander in my heart. Live through my blood ad every beat. I want you to explore me in the best possible way."

My heart skipped a beat , like it's about to explode anytime soon. I could feel the butterflies in my stomach and blood rushing to my cheeks. Look how a simple statement can change so many things. It's all about the game of words, the one who masters it, wins.

I mustered courage as I started typing.

"You do ?" My palm were sweaty and cold.

"Yes I do want you to do that. Do you want to be mine?"

I stared at the screen blankly. The moment froze in time and I could feel my breath being caught up.

"Do you wish to be mine ?" He asked again, so intensely .

"Yes I wish to be yours."

I closed my eyes for I feared that this might turn into one of those foolish pranks and I will end up crawling inside my ball again. But seems like it wasn't.

"Perfect. It just won't be you discovering me but me discovering your every single chapter, every single story you ever had. Let's take a tour through our galaxies and I'll never let the spark die."

"I would gladly take your hand and travel the journey you want me to. But O my boy, leaving the journey before the destination arrives won't be appreciated."

"Don't worry love, Imma glue my hand to yours."

"As you say may my love."

What are you my boy ? I can never understand you completely. You are the book that ends with no conclusion only to find a sequel to the previous story. You always loved mysteries. And in everything that came afterward, I could never stop thinking that maybe you loved mysteries so much that you became one. But I'll always love reading you over and over again, solving one mystery after another, jotting down all the clues leading to you. For your eyes looked back in the dark like there was something in me worth seeing.

You were always the one for when conditions drop to worst of times, I know I'll come back running to you.



Rida Mushtaq.

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