Chapter 05

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Do a particular word, a different place, a soothing song reminds you of someone ? Just a slight mention would set your beats to race, your skin and soul to burn  in the flame of pure passion and love, your eyes to shine through the darkest nights and put your thoughts to peace. Is it the same for everyone or just the case with me ?

Yes the feeling is driving me away with it. It feels that I am one inch closer to get obsessed with him completely, obsessed with a Pathan so graceful and tall, so majestic.

The first thing that comes to my mind when I think of Pathans is him , only him. Those delicate features that could give joy to even the saddest soul on earth, those mesmerizing eyes that clouds my mind with the finest of beautiful thoughts, those eyes you could never get tired of staring at, those eyes which drowns you in the sea of love. The eyes so green with a tint of brown , just like a gracefully aged leaf nearing its fall in the autumn. Those brown hairs , just like the earth, so welcoming , to which we shall return. The hairs so brown as it sways with love, welcomes me to get lost in them, the delicacy it showcase tempts my finger to take a tour through them.   

The language he speaks is so foreign to me and yet still sounds like singing bells to my ears.The lips so delicate , just like petals of a blooming rose amidst the thorns. The lips through which every word uttered is heavenly pure to me. The lips whose curve possess the power to make me smile on my dullest of days. 

 Even if there are millions of reason to pull away from him , I will cling on to that one rock , that one rock that will connect me to his heart , mind and soul, a bond too hard to break and even difficult to lose amidst the reasons as to why I should let go of him. I  will always cling on to that abstract which was the soul reason for me to fall for this amazing creature, which helped me through the worst of my phases, which helped me to stand after every fall but even stronger and braver than I was at my initials. No matter how arduous it is for me to carry the feelings in my chest with a notion of him so close to me, so close that I could cherish his face, his talks with  a twisted  mind , cherish his every moment and every breath. I will carry on with this feeling even if it ends with me in trepidation of loosing a gem of a person like him, a person I couldn't imagine a day without, a person whose thoughts clouds my mind like a crown, a person I never touched but can feel every inch of his soul. A person whose sorrows now I own, whose happiness is what I participate in , a person of whom I am now a reflection.

I am ready to take the risk cause  there is something more powerful than fear, and that's love. O' Boy you don't know how blessed I am to have you in my life, a love I can hung on for the most honest of conversations, advises helping me out of the hurdles I never mentioned to anyone before. My love you are now the first I think of in my happiness and the first I think of when I am on the verge of breaking down. A person who went through my every phase and stood like a pillar when people would have left me for good. If I ever had to make a decision, to reside in happiness or walk through the suffering of your darkness , you will away be the only choice without a second thought cause the ride is on and leaving before the destination arrives is never appreciated.

Isn't is good to get a little lost on your journey ?

Yes it was for me, only to discover a more beautiful one. Dear I would walk through the fire if you are the price at the end. I will disown my light if darkness is the fate accompanying you.

Everything bout you is so different. How well your demons dance to the rhythm of my heartbeat, the ones  suppose to scare me away from your shadow are now the ones pulling me closer to you.

Take my hand as I lend and let me discover you galaxy , every single constellation that resides within you, every twisted notion you every had. Your flaws are my perfection , come to me and accept this hand. Tell me your darkest sides and make me fall for you all over again.

All I can at is that you're my guide , you're my pride and I am hopelessly in love with you, only if you knew.

How will I confess my undying love to you ? Will you ever accept my confession ?

Knowing how well you enter though the walls I worked so hard cementing all these years, you are a risk worth taking......!


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Rida Mushtaq. 

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