Chapter 03

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My hair dances with the wind while my eyes loves its presence, The pleasure of its arrival and the silence that follows was and is always a bliss. No banality in its appearance. How can someone's touch feels so welcoming but at the same time sends chills up my spine ? The darkness has absorbed my soul to an extent that too much of brightness blinds me with discomfort.

Is it strange that I'm comforted by the darkness in someone ? Why am I so attracted by someone who has gone through a lot and is not all rainbows and sunshine.

My train of thoughts shifts to the sight of the moon. How can something with numerous faults present itself so beautifully ? How can someone's flaws appear so majestic ?

It has become a favourite part of my routine to gaze at the beauty of moon while it stares back at me. The moon never have light of its own, but shines the brightest with the presence of someone's source. Isn't it the same with people ? Yes it is. You never know how bright you can shine and how beautiful your light is unless and until you find someone in your life that brings back that spirit you lost on your way of despair. Many a times it is our ownself that recognises our light but isn't it such a beautiful notion to have someone by our side, someone to spend our lives with , someone to lend its glow when your spark is about to dim ?

The stars are all glamour but the moon has a different class and so do all of us. What if the moon tried to shimmer like the stars ? Wouldn't it have lost it's radiating glow ? Why do we people try to glow like the others when we can outshine ?

With a sigh and a peaceful mind I turn towards my desk , The screen so bright displays my facebook timeline. I'm about to scroll when one of the suggestions catches my attention. I checked his profile and found a mutual. Though it had an anime as his profile picture, he seemed interesting. Ohh there goes my request  to him. But where are my rules of not letting a stranger into my life ? Ohh , nevermind. Though I don't have any expectations of him accepting my request but by chance if he ever does, it would be a pleasure exploring this human.

AND  that's how my story began. Who knew the person I was just curious about will be the one I'll go crazy for. Who knew that the day he will be a part of my life, love will start blooming inside my heart for him. Who knew he will be unconsciously mine !!!!


Thank you for  reading . Love <3

Rida Mushtaq

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